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Re: [casi] Images from Iraq..

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Amidst the debate over war and it's images, lest we forget the words of those
who have seen the carnage first hand;

"the first thing that assaults you as you survey the landscape is the stench
of human feces, followed by the buzzing of flies and finally the rotting
corpses with lifeless eyes which once gleamed with life." (paraphrased)

Whilst we debate the finer points of civilized rhetoric and imagery, our
leaders have extinguished countless lives in their misguided thirst for oil
and control.  I for one say we use whatever methods we have and are able to
employ to stop this. that we may "end the scourge of war for all time."

If photographs are all they are destined to see, those who employ violence in
order to gain their objectives, they are getting off easy.

Roger Stroope
Austin College
Sherman Texas, USA

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