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Re: [casi] Re: Iraq imported chewing gum machines through OFF?

--- Stephen Hewitt <>
> On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Alun Harford wrote:
> > Here's another:
> >
> > The US air force - Putting the miss back into
> missiles
> > and the US back into useless.
> >
> We need to be careful here. This sounds like clever
> military propaganda,
How dare you? It's MINE. :)

> ostensibly critical of the Americans, but actually
> propagating the
> unobserved assumption that American missiles that
> kill civilians are
> "missing" specific intended targets.
> What evidence do we have that the missile that hit
> Shu'ala market did not
> hit precisely its intended target?
Because cruise missiles cost a fortune, and the US are
running out - it's a VERY expensive way to kill about
60 civilians.
If there were deliberately targetting civilians, it's
hardly value-for-money.


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