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[casi] 5000 Innocent people of Iraq killed by US yesterday.

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US proved to be a bigger terrorist by killing more than 5000 Iraqui civilians. When 2000 US people 
died in WTC USA called it Black Day. Then what this killing would be called.

USA asked support for fight against terrorists, now it itself have become terrorist. Iraq was in no 
way posing any danger to any country in the world. It is the United States which is disturbing the 
world peace. Iraq was not having enough weapons to affect even it's surrounding countries while US 
presented as if Saddam has the most destructive weapons in hands.  Saddam is one of the best loved 
president in the world.

The reality is USA has worst weapons on earth. And it is the only country which have used Nukes to 
kill innocents in Japan. Then it is going on killing people in Palestine, Iraq, Vietnam and all 
places of the world. And USA is breaking all the laws of United Nations while it asks others to 
follow it even though US has a veto power in United Nations. (Veto power means no decision can be 
taken in United Nations without confirmation of US. Which itself is Objectionable.)

World should unite together to stop this monster from killing innocents around the world. And 
protest against USA's looting others land & oil.

Sanjay Sharma.

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