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[casi] The Fall of Bagdad

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Hi  everyone,

We  all  waited  for that  news  and  it came this  afternoon  here  in

OK   Saddam's regime  was  drag  down ( like his statue ) on  the public's  a real good  thing  for the  people  of  Iraq.....but.........

We  must never forget  that  all  of  this  ''war''   is   a  hold-up   by
the  worst gang of gangters  in  Washington ( USA) and  London ( UK)  and

It's  a  hold-up  to  steal  from  an other  stealer.

When  the dust  will  fall  ( a bit ) USUK   will  run  after  those  who
did had  links  with that regime and we  will assist  of  an  other
Guantanamo ;  but this time in  IRAQ.

Like Bush  said   :  '' You are  with us  or against us ''. ( The  have
Syria  in their mind, after  Iran  and  who  after that ? )

They also have  France, Germany  and  Russia  in their mind.

That  we  must not  forget.


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