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Re: [casi] Beginning of the End of our Struggle for freedom

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In a message dated 4/10/2003 5:27:22 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Yes Iraq still has problems, like possible American occupation, but in worst
> case scenario, even the most avid Saddamites and Bush haters cannot claim
> that American rule- subject to democratic pressures- can be worse than
> brutal dictators. And the peaceniks need to know and remember that fact.
> Yes it is like the falling of the Eastern European regimes- not least
> because Saddam(?) is a Baathist=Communist; another thing which makes
> leftwing peaceniks uncomfortable. These people are just coming out of
> denial
> about the collapse of their beloved Soviet Union and now their in denial
> about the collapse of Arab Communism.

mr salih
i am pleased at your joy about the fall of saddam. i can understand that. i
note the celebration of the people and the looting . i can understand that as
i had understood celebrations and looting after basketball or other sport
victories in the usa. but your understanding of history is clearly miniscule.
this is not the fall of some communist regime...i do not remember the usa or
britain aiding the hungarians in '56 nor the east germans in '57 nor the
czechoslovakians in '68, and their armies did not march into eastern europe
in ', your cause was not more noble. you are blessed with riches that
can be exploited and you will be sufficiently malleable as to allow that, to
the detriment of your dignity, i fear, unless you wake up quickly to
understand that you are under occupation--not "possible occupation"-- and
will be under a foreign military governor until you are sufficiently
docile..that you believe the occupation would be subject to "democratic
pressure" baffles me. pressure from whom? united nations? the american party
system?. please inform me, i see both in shambles. welcome to history, my
you now call me "peacenik". for someone who who was called that and "pinko"
and "hippie" and "commie sympathizer" almost 40 years ago, that indeed warms
my heart. for it takes me back to the time when i was a youngster marching as
did  the grizzled linus pauling and bertrand russel. again you have no clue
about the context of words, for the peaceniks of the vietnam era were opposed
to the subjugation of vietnam, the killing of millions including fifty
thousand americans. you are, in part, correct  that they would not enjoy what
is occuring in iraq. they may be pleased a tyrant is deposed, but they are
distressed that a rebirth of  perfidious colonialism, truculent and
dehumanising, is now transpiring. you, mr salih , are obviously too young to
have lived through that, and that is not your fault.

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