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[casi] Nobel laureate proposes US, Britain be put on trial for invading Iraq

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      Nobel laureate proposes US, Britain be put on trial for invading Iraq
      by:   Wire Services


      A Nobel peace laureate proposed on Tuesday the creation of a special tribunal to judge the 
war crimes of the US-British coalition forces during the invasion of Iraq.
      "The United States must be brought to trial as war criminal for crimes committed against 
mankind; thus, we're organizing a world march on April 12 to show the repudiation of millions of 
individuals who feel the pain of the Iraqi people," said Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu 
(1992) in Mexico City.

      She told reporters that she hopes that the Court of the Hague and other tribunals will deal 
with the case, because if there were tribunals for the war crimes in Rwanda and the ex-Yugoslavia, 
"then why not thinking on one to deal with crimes being committed in Iraq."

      "I want to make a call on the international community to keep on expressing their rejection 
of war, to maintain the moral veto against the US invasion of Iraq," Menchu said.

      Rigoberta Menchú is a Quiché (Maya) human rights activist from Guatemala, the official 
spokesperson for the United Nations International Decade of Indigenous Peoples (1994 - 2003), 
author of I, Rigoberta Menchú (London & New York: Verso, 1984), and winner of the 1992 Nobel Peace 

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