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Re: [casi] U.S. occupation forces commit war crimes with impunity

Dear Dirk & List,

A very good mailing. But you omit to mention that it includes the interview
(not absolutely recent) with Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar, in Baghdad, who we know
very well from his contributions to the CASI site.

Bert Gedin.

From: "Dirk Adriaensens" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [casi] U.S. occupation forces commit war crimes with impunity
>Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 11:52:32 +0200
>[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
>Baghdad diaries, April 11, 5:30 p.m.
>Dr. Geert Van Moorter by satellite phone
>U.S. occupation forces commit war crimes with impunity
>Bert De Belder
>"We've heard more horrifying stories today about the U.S.-soldiers'
>behavior. The injured are requesting the U.S. army vehicles for a ride to
>the hospital in vain. Medical personnel doesn't even dare to ask permission
>from American checkpoints to bring the wounded to the hospital as any Iraqi
>who approaches U.S. soldiers risks to be shot. They would rather ask us,
>the foreigners, to negotiate with the U.S.-troops for patients to be
>allowed to pass.
>A journalist of The London Mail told me he was appalled by the U.S.-troops'
>behavior. He had seen how they shot down two Iraqis without any reason.
>Also somebody who came to their aid was shot in cold blood. "It's like in
>Vietnam," the journalist sighed, " they take aim at anything that moves." I
>also talked about it with an American army doctor. Do you know what he
>answered? "You got to understand. These guys are still young. When they're
>anxious, they easily shoot." The U.S. troops have blanket impunity here.
>They can get away with anything and don't even risk any legal action.
>"Nobody is perfect," they say. Or they justify it as a 'pre-emptive
>strike'. Just like this whole war is a 'pre-emptive strike' against the
>threat of Saddam's 'weapons of mass destruction'-that neither the weapons
>inspectors, nor the U.S. occupation force have been able to find.
>Apparently, shooting at an ambulance is also a 'pre-emptive strike' because
>it might contain explosives! Two dead and three heavily injured?
>'Collateral damage'!
>The U.S. troops' arrogance is incredible. We have to restrain ourselves
>continuously not to argue with them. But we scorn them and snap their heads
>off. Like those soldiers that were chopping a statue of Saddam in pieces to
>bring home as souvenirs. I yelled: "Hurrah, you are real heroes!
>Congratulations, that's a job well done!" The idiots thought I was serious
>and looked at me gratefully. "Yeah, really great! You peppered an ambulance
>with bullets. You made hundreds of civilian casualties. You allow the
>looting of hospitals, leaving the wounded in agony. Real heroes!" It took
>them some time to realize that I was actually ridiculing them with their
>miserable pieces of Saddam's statue, while scolding them for having blood
>on their hands. Finally they laughed sheepishly. And I laughed up my
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