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[casi] Markland Group

The following posting has been forwarded to the List by the List Manager on
behalf of Doug Scott of the Markland Group. The opinions expressed are
those of Mr Scott and not the List Manager.

Re:  Effects of Sanctions

I would like to respond to the article forwarded to the list by Mark
Parkinson dated 7 April 2003 "What's the Problem with Iraq?" - which Mark
offers as "a good summary of the effects of the sanctions".

The article cites various passages from the Amorim Humanitarian Panel
Report (S/1999/356, Annex II, 30 March 1999).  But most of the figures
given in that report reflect the situation before the start of the Oil-for-
Food scheme (the first shipment of commodities occurred on 20 March 1997:  Also, the report itself was dated some
months before the Oil-for-Food scheme was fully operational with no
restrictions on the volume of exports (removed by Resolution 1284, December

For a more up-to-date picture of the effects of sanctions (although far
from comprehensive), I would suggest my article and the authorities
referred to therein:  "A New Look at the Oil Sanction against Iraq":


                                  Doug Scott

                                  President, The Markland Group

Trevor Redmond
CASI Lists Manager

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