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[casi] Onwards and Westwards

'Bush tells Syria to 'co-operate'...He added that he believed Syria
possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD)- the charge against Iraq which
sparked the war there.'

I'd rather not believe they'll get away with it - but the louder hawks are
so impressively busy making the Iraq treatment for Syria look plausible that
at least some of them *must* have it in mind as a realistic and impending
move. How can Bush feel the need to describe Syria as he just has and not do
anything about it? In fact, isn't describing it in this way his best way of
making the unthinkable seem necessary - if only for the sake of consistency?
Of putting forward mendacious claims 'of an order which permit the mind to
progress from the unthinkable to the thinkable *without thinking*'? (that
was EP Thompson in 1980...)

...and a telling foretaste of what's to come from Channel 4 News, which
sounds grimly similar to the 'dialogue de sourds' which we heard over Iraq
for most of the last year:

Presenter (Mark Easton): Ambassador, Saddam Hussein's brother was arrested
on your border with Iraq today. Surely he must have believed that you were
going to give him shelter, as Mr Rumsfeld alleges?'
Syrian Ambassador: 'Er, no. That's why he was arrested'.

Tom Hill
Senior Editor, TOPIC Magazine

'TOPIC is the best new magazine of ideas since, well, Granta.' - Jonathan
Levi, Founding Editor, Granta

'Not since Granta or the original Grand Street has there been such an
original and absorbing new lit mag. Reading it is like letting your mind
play: a totally pleasurable intellectual experience without the hip,
stylish, babyish annoyances of the average new publication...TOPIC is edgy
without self-consciousness, meta without dopey implications. No magazine
I've read in the past year has been anywhere near as consistently
intelligent or fresh.' - Amy Wilentz in The Nation

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