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[casi] FW: Bevin Society text

Dear list

The following is a leaflet circulated by the Bevin Society (which could be
described as a sort of left wing think tank) at the march on April 12th. The
conclusion, which I think is worth thinking about, is this:

The US/UK action has wantonly destroyed the international order brought
about after World War Two.  A new Order in defence of national sovereignty
is therefore needed, based on various international alliances.  A
French/German/Russian/Chinese entente  would be of particular value at
present.  If it acted forcefully‹supported by right-thinking people around
the world‹it could stave off World War Three.

Best wishes


I r a q :     W  h a t   N e x t in  the  new  Occupied  Territory ?

Weapons Of Mass Destruction:  finding and destroying these was the
ostensible reason for making war on Iraq‹despite warnings from the CIA and
British Intelligence that Iraq posed no threat to the world.  In fact,
notwithstanding reports of 100-acre, underground, and other manufacturing
locations for WMD, none have been found, nor will be found.  This will be
glossed over by a cynical political establishment and a despicable media.

Regime Change was the second American objective, whilst supposedly not a
British aim.  Bush and Blair affected to believe that an alternative
political structure would emerge if Saddam were removed and the Baath
Socialist Party smashed.  We can all now see that the truth is otherwise:
the Baath Party was broadly-based and involved the widest social elements in
governing the country.  Only a very competent administration could have
brought the people through 12 years of punitive sanctions, particularly
damaging in a modern economy like Iraq¹s.  The people of Iraq showed by
their actions that they preferred to keep the Baath regime than be ruled by
their tormentors over many generations.

Popular Uprisings:  America and Britain killed one a half million people
with their sanctions‹yet expected popular uprisings welcoming their
invasion.  Instead, there has been popular resistance at a level not seen
since the American war on Vietnam.

Looting:  With no welcoming crowds, Britain and American have seized on, and
encouraged, looting as a form of popular engagement with the conquerors.
The British Defence Minister made light of the Coalition breaking
ŒInternational Law¹ on this, saying that the "good practice" of the looters
was "liberating items that hadŠ been in the charge of the regime" and was
"redistributing wealth among the Iraqi people".  Thus Mr. Hoon praises
stripping Hospitals and public facilities of their equipment, as well as
ruining many people.  Of course, destruction of the Baath socialist/welfare
infrastructure is a bonus for an occupation intent on foisting liberal
market forces on a socialist economy.  But Britain and American are breaking
the Geneva Convention by allowing looting.  The Aid Agencies warned the
Coalition in February that it should plan to maintain civil order as it
displaced Œthe regime¹.

The United Nations did not authorise the war on Iraq, which is therefore
illegal, according to ŒInternational Law¹.  When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the UN
acted to force the return of Kuwait "to its rightful owners" (in the words
of a British politician).  Just as the UN forced the return of Kuwait to the
feudal, undemocratic and unsavoury regime installed by Britain when it
artificially carved the Œcountry¹ out of Basra province, so the UN must act
to force the invaders to return Iraq to "its rightful owners"‹the Baath
Socialist Party.  If it does not do so, it will demonstrate its status to be
that of "a brothel" (as the Iraqi Information Minister put it).  Regime
change or leadership change are entirely a matter for the Iraqi peope.  It
is not a matter for the Latter-Day Imperialists‹with their world-dominating

Military Occupation:  America is intent on occupying Iraq just as Israel is
occupying Palestine, with Britain supplying a spurious legitimacy.  They
must not be allowed a UN fig-leaf, or be given a retrospective international
blessing for their brutal destruction of a small country.  The duties of an
occupying Power are clear under ŒInternational Law¹:  it must not alter the
law, population balance or existing social customs.  Israel is breaking
international conventions in the way it is conducting its occupation of the
West Bank.  America and Britain intend to do the same in Iraq.   The
American intention is to remake Iraq in its own image, using a series of
puppet rulers, and use it as a base to control its neighbours.

International Order:  The US/UK action has wantonly destroyed the
international order brought about after World War Two.  A new Order in
defence of national sovereignty is therefore needed, based on various
international alliances.  A French/German/Russian/Chinese entente  would be
of particular value at present.  If it acted forcefully‹supported by
right-thinking people around the world‹it could stave off World War Three.

The Bevin Scoiety is holding a public meeting in

The Printer¹s Room,
Red Rose Club,
129 Seven Sisters Road
London N7
(Tube Finsbury Park;  Bus: 4,29,153,253,259,279)

on Wednesday, 7th May, 7.30 pm. on the theme:

"I r a q :     W  h a t   N e x t in  the  new  Occupied  Territory ?"
America is intent on occupying Iraq just as Israel is occupying Palestine

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