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[casi] inspections and lifting of sanctions

The media is saying lots of things like:

    "But UN certification that Iraq is free of weapons of mass destruction
   necessary for international sanctions to be lifted - a move seen as
   important in the rebuilding of the country."

While this was the intention of the original resolutions, the security
council can simply decide to change the rules and lift sanctions, yes?
And with US/UK presumably in favour, and the rest of the  SC having been
less supportive of sanctions, there's no reason why it shouldn't happen.
Grossly unfair, but better for Iraq.

My question is: are the BBC [and others] simply ignorant, or is it likely
that sanctions will not be dropped until inspectors have been in Iraq for
a while? If the former, can we just ignore the media, or will they have
any impact on policians? If the latter, which countries are likely to
oppose sanctions-lifting, and what can we do about it?

Dan [who, while he would dearly love to see the US undergo the same
scrutiny and suspicion as Iraq, would prefer sanctions to be lifted]

Daniel O'Huiginn
07789 260207 01223 564613
O9, Queens College

"While it's still early, Iraqi revolution seems to have succeeded. It is
almost certainly a net gain for our side"
    White House memo, 8th February 1963

   "We cannot base our military strategy on the basis that Saddam is weak
   and at the same time justify pre-emptive action on the claim that he is
   a serious threat"
        Robin Cook

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