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Re: [casi] David Hare piece in Guardian

While this article shows that official justifications for the war do not
hold water, it does not address the question of oil or more generally
securing scarce energy resources nor that of US imperialism as an attempt to
project US power and control world wide. Anyone who reads the documents at
the PNAC website or writings of  hawks such as Perle should realise that
this is a least an important factor driving US policy. Anyone who thinks
that Iraq's possession of the second largest oil reserves in the world is
somehow not relevant needs a reality check. Oil business people certainly
dont think this.
    I dont find this a thoughtful analysis at all. But then I am quite
convinced that the reasons for the war are precisely those this author
ignores  as providing some type of false certainty. Unless some evidence is
given to show these ignored analyses are incorrect I remain unimpressed by
those who find the war mysterious.

Cheers, Ken Hanly

----- Original Message -----
From: "Abi Cox" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 12:11 PM
Subject: [casi] David Hare piece in Guardian

Dear list,
 I forward the following comment piece sent to me from last weekend's
Guardian - a bit late, but it is a provocative and thoughtful analysis. I
think it has been scanned in from a printed copy, hence the typos.

Do't Look For a Reason by David Hare

 From the moment it was fîrst mooted, this was, for me, the impenetrable
war, the war wrapped in mystery.  "Its about oil!" 'Its about imperialism!'
"It's about a son avenging the failures of his father." All the answers
that are supposed to tell you everything, that are always given to you in a
tone of utter contempt, as if you must be a fool not to understand, in fact
seem to tell you nothing.  The fake certainty, the anger, the exasperation,
and now the startling vindictiveness, the personal vitriol in the rhetoric
of the west - as if we hated each other far more than we hate Saddam -
betray our own bad faith, about a conflict whose meaning eludes us.

Why Iraq?  Why now?  "Its a response to September 11th." Oh yes?  And is
that why you staged your response in a country which had no connection to
September 11th?  "Its about nuclear weapons." Oh yes?  "Well, maybe not
actual nuclear weapons. Its about weapons of mass destruction." Oh
yes?  And how many weapons of mass destruction have you found?

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