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[casi] Re: CASI-discuss digest, Vol 1 #442 - 10 msgs

Dear Salwa and List Members,

I do not have an answer to Salwa's question but hope
that the one who answers can also let us know whether
such a contract/such a "deal", for such a significant
sum, is in breach of the UN sanctions, which are not
yet lifted technically.

I suspect it is a bit ironic, a bit tragic that long
time opponents to the UN sanctions start to take a
suspicious stance on calls to lift the sanctions.  But
is there any reason to fear that if UN sanctions are
lifted at this point, the beneficiary will be the US
rather than the Iraqi people?

> Message: 1
> From: "Salwa de Vree" <>
> To:,
> Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 14:01:58 +0100
> Subject: Re: [casi] Iraqi Exile Slams US For
> Awarding Deals
> Can someone answer the following question for me:
> who is actually going to =
> be paying Bechtel Corp. the $600 million? And is
> Bechtel going to import Am=
> erican workers to do the job or are they going to
> hire Iraqi's?
> Thanks,
> Salwa de Vree,
> Leiden, The Netherlands

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