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[casi] UN Oral Statement by Dominicans for Justine and Peace

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Dear List,

Please find attached a short bulletin on oral statement made at the UN Human Rights Commission in 
Geneva on the situation of Iraqi children by Dominicans for Justice and Peace.

In peace,
John O'Connor op

Dominican News Service Bulletin:
Dominicans Again Express Strong Concerns about the Situation of Children in Iraq
by Philippe LeBlanc OP, 4/22/03

   Geneva.  In an oral statement at the UN Commission on Human Rights, Philippe
LeBlanc, OP, on behalf of Dominicans for Justice and Peace and nine co-sponsors,
raised the specter of the physical, and long-term emotional, psychological and
moral impact on children and women of the bombings in Iraq, following on 12
years of sanctions. Speaking from a humanitarian, ethical, and moral stance, he
also expressed their concern about the harmful and long-lasting consequences,
especially on children and women, of the use of cluster bombs and depleted

In their statement, Dominicans and co-sponsors, recommended that the
international community through the United Nations seek ways and means to
establish peace and bring an end to the sanctions, urged the UN Commission on
Human Rights to take seriously its Charter obligation to monitor the
implementation and respect for international human rights law and to denounce
the ongoing violations of the most fundamental human rights of women and
children in conflicts and wars and to ensure the application of the guiding
principle of the UN Convention on the rights of the child that "in all actions
concerning children, the best interest of the child shall be a primary
consideration." In addition, it was recommended that the international community
through the UN continue their search for peaceful and just solutions in all
situations of conflict rather than resorting to war which can only bring untold
horror and irreversible harm to the most vulnerable, strongly urge the
international community through the UN to take with utmost seriousness its
responsibilities for the monumental and long-term challenge of the recovery and
reconstruction of Iraq, devastated both by long-term sanctions and by the
ravages of war.

The statement co-sponsors included Caritas Internationalis, Commission of
Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches, Dominican
Leadership Conference, Canadian Council of Churches, Sisters of Notre Dame de
Namur, International Presentation Association: Sisters of the Presentation,
Congregations of Saint Joseph, Maryknoll Sisters Inc. and the World Alliance of
Reformed Churches, in conjunction with Franciscans International and KAIROS:
Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives.

When the full truth is made known about the destruction of the lives of children
and women in Iraq, the international community will need to render justification
for these acts and recognize their responsibility for the massive rebuilding of
a devastated society.

Read the Official Statement at

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