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[casi] Belgian doctors: We come home with explosive materials against the US military

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Dear all,
the struggle to resist US/UK occupation continues.
Here are some words of Noam Chomsky that may encourage all of you who are disenchanted, disgusted 
by US/UK policies and wanting to lower activities against this illegal war:
" If you go to one demonstration & then go home, that's something, but people in power can live 
with that. What they can't live with is sustained pressure that keeps building, organisations that 
keep doing things, people that keep learning from the last time & doing it better next time."
In Belgium, we'll continue to stand up against the genocide committed by the Fourth Reich of Bush & 

Dirk adriaensens.
"We come home with explosive materials against the US military"
Bert De Belder

Dr. Claire Geraerts en Dr. Geert Van Moorter are still preparing their departure from Baghdad. They 
will arrive in Zaventem on Wednesday April 23 at 7:30 o'clock. With in there luggage still 
additional witness testimonies about the American war crimes in Iraq. These testimonies have to put 
in pillory US general Tommy Franks, in a court case that attorney Jan Fermon prepares for the 
Belgian court.

"We bring explosive materials", announces Geert. "Still more ambulances are shot at by US military, 
resulting in several death. I prefer to preserve the details for the court case, but be assured 
that this will creates a lot of firework! Aside from this the American military are guilty of not 
giving medical aid to people in need: Iraqis who they themselves have shot and wounded were just 
left along the side of the road."

Collection of testimonies in a city under siege, with many checkpoints, with people hiding at home, 
without telephone,...: this is no easy job for Claire and Geert. "Today we didn't even have time to 
eat, we had to rush all the time", says Geert. "Two pieces of rusk is all we were able to eat.

The doctors visited Saddam Medical City, where an enormous academic hospital of 16 floors high is 
located. "Because of shortage in electricity only four are being used", tells Geert. "To prevent 
looting, all corridors and stairs are blocked. You are only allowed to use the elevators, but only 
two of the twelve elevators are functioning. When you need advice of a doctor who works on another 
floor, you have to wait sometimes up to a few hours to get there!".

The Al-Anour hospital has become the most important port of call for Claire and Geert. "Dr. Osama 
Fakri thanks us extensively for the external fixators we gave him. 'Perfect modern material', he 
says, 'which we will still use frequently. These are much better than what the American soldiers 
have brought here.!". This is a compliment fo Dr. Bart Conix, orthopedic surgeon in the Antwerp 
Middelheim hospital, who donated the fixators to the Geneeskunde voor de Derde Wereld.

"We also met briefly with the new mayor of Baghdad", continuous Geert, "Mohamed Zobaedeh. The guy 
promised to restore within two days the electricity in the city, but more than a week later the 
entire city is still without. Zobaedeh is of course a straw man of the Americans, and that has not 
settled will with the local population. The opinion that the Americans are not allowed to stay long 
in the country, has become general among the Iraqis. On the other hand, the war of aggression and 
disappearance of the Iraqi civil government has created such vacuum and chaos that many people also 
fear immediate withdrawal of the US military without clear alternative for their safety. Do they 
have to count on the UN or the Arabic League, in anticipation that they will get again their own 
government and police? No easy questions in the complex situation of Baghdad today.."

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