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[casi] Question

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

I have a question for everyone.  I'm very excited about the idea of the US
government being brought before the UN and charged with war crimes.  I
believe they must be held responsible for their behavior.  I feel
disappointed that my protesting and petitioning couldn't stop the war, but I
don't want to quit now.  I want to stay involved in a way that is meaningful.
 What can I do to help in the effort of holding the US responsible for its
actions?  Can I write a letter to the UN?  What can I do to show support for
the lawyers and activists who are organizing the case?  Can I help them in
any way?  How would I get in touch with them?  What can I do?  What can I
encourage others to do?

I hope someone can give me some direction.  Thanks!

Lisa Baker
Upland, CA

"This is my song, O God of all the nations. A song of peace for lands afar
and mine. This is my home, the country where my heart is. Here are my dreams,
my hopes, my holy shrine. But other hearts in other lands are beating, with
hopes and dreams as deep and true as mine."--O Finlandia

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