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[casi] Existing UK commitment to UN endorsement of Iraq administration

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

" the event of military operations requires that, on an urgent basis, the United Kingdom 
should seek a new Security Council Resolution that would affirm Iraq's territorial integrity, 
ensure rapid delivery of humanitarian relief, allow for the earliest possible lifting of UN 
sanctions, an international reconstruction programme, and the use of all oil revenues for the 
benefit of the Iraqi people and endorse an appropriate post-conflict administration for Iraq, 
leading to a representative government which upholds human rights and the rule of law for all 

- Government motion on Iraq, 18th March 2003

This appears to be a commitment to UN involvement in setting up reconstruction and the control of 
oil revenues. Extracted in return for Labour MPs' support for war. I'm not sure how binding the 
specifics of it is, however - perhaps someone could clarify this?

Is anyone asking about this commitment? If not, might it be worth getting MPs to lobby for its 
fulfilment? A prior commitment to such a SC resolution would seem to be a way out of the 
government's current vacillation about UN involvement.

Alternatively, do any of the current EDMs on Iraq mention this committment? EDM 1076 (Building 
Democracy in Iraq - ) seems to come closest 
in demanding a "clear UN Mandate" for the transitional administration. EDM 946 (United Nations and 
the Rebuilding of Iraq - ) calls more vaguely 
for HM Government to build 'consensus' amongst the Permanent Members of the SC in establishing an 
Iraqi government. Neither mentions the government's prior commitment, as far as I can see.

If there is an EDM reminding the government of their commitment, could we encourage MPs to sign it?

Feedback would be appreciated.


Mike Lewis
Christ's College

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