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Re: [casi] Thank you to F. - and a little hope from Sisyphus

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I want to thanks H for Camus' words - they are an inspiration in a sad time.

H Sutter <> wrote:
Dear Felicity,

Since your email isn't working I'll send this to
the list.

Thank you for letting me know. Physically well,
not secure, and, no doubt, torn inside. Still,

It isn't just Bush and Blair, I don't think. They
are merely the top dogs in this the New World
Order - ruled by neoliberalism, ie, globalization.
All those in favour are the leaders of industrialized
countries, and the rest can be bought. War may be
globalization by other means? Iraq is an example:
everything that can be privatized will be privatized.
And this is fine for the corporate elite and their

'We are watching helplessly the destruction of a
people', someone told me. And 'our children and
their children will pay for this. They'll have to
live in the world we leave behind.'

She is right. It does look pretty grim - for the
Iraqis and for everyone else. But this can't be
the end: A merciless world, ruled by an oligarchy
of corporatists?

I often feel very angry and disheartened at the
state of the world. But I don't want to give up and
I don't want other people to give up. And on good
days, I think of Camus' sense of Sisyphus - it
helps a little:

"I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain! One
always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus
teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods
and raises rocks... The struggle itself toward
the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One
must imagine Sisyphus happy." [Albert Camus]

So the struggle for justice and peace would still
be worth fighting...

Best wishes,
Elga Sutter

P.S. Reading your articles also helps me - I can
see the people, feel their feelings.

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