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[casi] lest we forget ...

Might I re-post this input by Nathanial Hurd from 1st November 2001 re Kofi
Annan's response to September 11th? 'Rule of law' reaffirmed etc. Where is
he now when the rule of law has been broken in such dimensions that it WILL
be recorded with the Mongols, barbarians and YES the Crusaders. Where is he?
Giving the occasional bleat. Yet the US cannot be allowed to hand itself
contracts, dictate Iraq's schooling ('scuse me, when they had schooling
thousands of years before America existed) media, way of life etc. An
'attack on innocent ... citizens' 9/11 certainly was - but what did Iraq
have to do with it? It had oil stupid. And now an 'attack on innocent
citizens' of mind bending proportions, and as the point has been made,
future generations, ours and theirs, will pay in tragedies, in different

What to do with the UN? How does one make a weazel (apols to all weazels out
there) accountable? How does one replace a backbone and integrity which
would appear to have been surgically removed? Or maybe it really is that
Mesapotamian lives don't count.

Best, sorry for the rant, felicity a.

>Date: Thu, Nov 1, 2001, 4:39 pm

> Source: Secretary-General Kofi Annan, speech to General Assembly,
> SG/SM/7965, 24 September 2001,
> Excerpts:
> ...It was not only an attack on our innocent fellow citizens -– well over 60
> Member States are affected, including, I am sad to say, my own country -–
> but an attack on our shared values.
> It struck at everything this Organization stands for:  peace, freedom,
> tolerance, human rights, and the very idea of a united human family.
> It struck at all our efforts to create a true international society, based
> on the rule of law.
> Let us respond by reaffirming, with all our strength, our common humanity
> and the values that we share.  We shall not allow them to be overthrown.
> ...Finally, the attack of 11 September was an attack on the rule of law -–
> that is, on the very principle that enables nations and individuals to live
> together in peace, by following agreed rules and settling their disputes
> through agreed procedures.
> So let us respond by reaffirming the rule of law, on the international as
> well as the national levels.

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