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Re: Re # 2: [casi] Unfree stuff happens to free Iraqis!

>> ># 2a : The economic aspect - Western style
>This must have excellent prospects of achieving success >if it could be
done. The switch of oil pricing from >Dollar to Euro would so >undermine
the Dollar
>that all commodities would almost certainly follow suit. >It is talked

>How do we give it a push? The Arab countries should have >a natural
inclination to do it, and Iran, and the Muslim >countries in the far
east, and Venezuela.

Unless someone has the ear of one in power there are only a few ways:
write letters, publish articles, or get people to demonstrate.

>regard both Saudi Arabia and Turkey as major successes in >resisting US

Yes. How to "reward" them though? We hear now about the other super-power
-- the people of the world, but to effectively use that power people have
to be united, as they are in a labor union, or by acting from a publicity
campaign. Any of these possible actions will require organization --
ideally an alternative "government" of some sort. The problem with the UN
is that it is composed not of nations, really, but the governments of
nations, which are often unresponsive to the people.

It is strange, but after all the centuries of organizing individuals into
governments all over the world, we need to do it all over again to oppose
the corrupted existing ones -- not to replace them as in revolution, but
to provide balance. In the US the House was supposed to do that, and I
suppose the House of Commons in England -- but they no longer function
properly. Quite an ambitious project, actually.

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