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Re: [casi] Livingstone attacks President Bush

>negative effect on the mayor's efforts to attract >American tourists

I'm not sure about tourism but it makes me consider going to London as a
refugee when Ashcroft has his stormtroopers start rounding up us
low-level political dissidents in the US (if I could stay clear of
Downing Street).

>Ari Fleischer, said: "First of all, I've never heard of >the fellow.

And that says a great deal about the Bush administration's awareness of
the rest of the world, diplomacy, and its foreign policy!

>"Mayor ivingstone's opinions about the United States are >a matter of
complete indifference to the American >embassy,..."

As are everyone else's opinions.

The things which may in the end bring down the Bushies is his
overwhelming arrogance, along with the plunging economy (`let them eat
cake'). If keep gathering rope they will soon have ample to hang

PS -- a thought which has occured to me is that Iraq is now a perfect
breeding ground for an epidemic -- not just of cholera, but of a plague
like SARS: wretched medical care, malnutrition, poor sanitation, poverty,
minimal government -- such a disease would rip though the population like
wildfire on dry grassland, and possibly take many of the occupiers as
well. I don't want to even
think about it any longer. :(

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