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[casi] Old statements revisited...


The draft US/UK resolution about Iraq at the UN SC
leaves no doubt about US intentions and its
appropriation of Iraqi oil. The US admits to its being
an occupation force... That was what many foresaw and
warned of. Yet the different Iraqi opposition groups
in Iran and the west denied this and assured us that
no such thing will happen.

I am reposting an old news item from the BBC. Either
those in the oppostion were lying to us and knew
beforehand what was going to happen, or they were
taken for a ride. In any case, they do not deserve our
respect or confidence.


Friday, 18 October, 2002, 20:54 GMT 21:54 UK
Iraq oil contracts 'to be reviewed'

By Tabitha Morgan
In Cyprus

Three of the main Iraqi opposition groups involved in
discussions on the future of Iraq say that a
post-Saddam Hussein government would insist on the
review of all oil contracts with the country.

However, they dismiss suggestions that America will
get the lion's share of the lucrative contracts.

According to the Cyprus-based Middle East Economic
Survey, senior officials in the Iraqi opposition
expect that a future government will need to take a
fresh look at all contracts signed by the current
regime in Baghdad.

Dr Salah al-Sheikhly of Iraqi National Accord said
that many of them were not in Iraq's best interests
and had been negotiated in order to gain political,
rather than economic, benefits.

Baghdad has reached agreements with Russia and France
as well as a number of countries which are not
automatic choices when it comes to oil exploration,
including Vietnam and Syria.

Iraq has the second-biggest oil reserves in the world
and the potential for development is immense, but the
country's oil sector has suffered from a chronic lack
of investment and maintenance over the past decade.

Opposition leaders are agreed that Iraq will need both
the investment and the modern technology which foreign
companies can provide.

Guarded support

There is a general assumption in the Arab world that a
post-Saddam government might reward the United States
for its role in overthrowing the regime by awarding
most of the contracts to American oil companies.

The suggestion is dismissed by Dr Adel Abd al-Mahdi of
the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in

"Nobody," he said, "will welcome the Americans if they
come as a colonial power."

Opposition leaders - including those representing the
Kurds - also say they want to keep the country's oil
industry centralised.

This consensus indicates - for the moment at least -
that the various groups making up the Iraqi opposition
are committed to keeping the country united.

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