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[casi] International appeal against War Crimes committed by U.S. Troops in Iraq!

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Hello all,
I'd like to invite you all to sign this international appeal against US War crimes.
Dirk Adriaensens
International appeal :
No Impunity for War Crimes committed by U.S. Troops in Iraq!

The undersigned consider:

     That U.S. Armed Forces should not remain unpunished if they have committed crimes during the 
war on Iraq.
     That it is important for an independent inquiry to investigate the facts mentioned by the 
plaintiffs, for civil and criminal responsibilities to be established and for the victims to 
receive a reasonable compensation.
     That U.S. courts do not at the present time provide sufficient guarantees of impartiality in 
this case.
     That an inquiry by the International Criminal Court is impossible, as the U.S. has not 
ratified its Statutes.
     That consequently, the victims have no other option but to approach the jurisdiction of a 
third country, in this case Belgium.

The undersigned call on the Belgian government not to give in to the diplomatic pressure of the 
U.S. and not to hinder the judicial process by forwarding the case to the U.S.

I sign:

In the name of my organisation:



On my own behalf:




Please send your signature to or

This appeal is coordinated by STOP USA International
53 Chaussée de Haecht, 1210 Brussels.
Access to the documentation (CD-Rom), the plaintiffs, and the international team of lawyers can be 
obtained through:
Telephone: (+32) 499 / 40 93 17

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