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Re: [casi] Suggestion: Plebiscite in Iraq

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How can the UN safely organize a mass vote when american troops are still present?  They have no 
electricity, no good water, no medical supplies & little food.  The marines are running around 
waving their guns & the country is still not safe.  Philippa, your idea is a good one but very 
premature.  Let's get the kids fed & healthy, the sick & wounded mended, & electricity & water to 
these occupied peoples before we stress them with trying to get them to vote. The UN needs to start 
making some demands of the u.s. period. Judy

pjw8 <Philippa.Winkler@NAU.EDU> wrote:One of the demands we should raise on this list, is for the 
UN to organize a
plebiscite (mass vote) in Iraq regarding the occupation, the kind of
government Iraqis want, how they want to produce and distribute their oil,
etc. East Timor recently had a plebiscite which was part of it gaining
independence from Indonesia, Philippa

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