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[casi] RE: War profiteer playing cards

|>From the Nation website. I like it!
|Shortly after the US conquered Baghdad, the US Defense Intelligence
|Agency distributed a now famous deck of cards bearing the images of
|"Iraq's Most Wanted." This hit list of top Iraqi officials became a
|pop-cultural phenomenon, as well as a critical crutch for the US press,
|which virtually never reports on newly captured Bathists these days
|without noting their appropriate card rank among the US deck of
|Now the Ruckus Society, a nonviolent anarchist group based in Oakland,
|has matched and raised the Defense Department with its own "War
|Profiteer" playing cards featuring fifty-three individuals and
|institutions in the oil, military, government, and media sectors who
|supported and are now profiting from the US war on Iraq. Players include
|three of hearts Condoleeza Rice, king of diamonds George P. Schultz, ten
|of clubs Vince D. Coffman, CEO of Lockheed Martin, and "wildcard"
|President George W. Bush.
|The decks are stylish, funny and replete with good, accurate information
|on exactly the sort of people who are currently most responsible for the
|corruption of our country. And, unlike the deck produced by the US
|military, the Ruckus Society's pack is widely available.So order a pack
|Co-written by Jonah Engle.

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