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[casi] Britain finds Iraq's smoking gun ...

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Well no. Where are the plans? Where is the gun? Good old consistent Daily
Telegraph and Con Coughlin.
There were 'plans' (we've not seen, conveniently blown up in the Ministry of
Defence, perhaps) it's range 'would have been' , it 'was to be built ...' so
far a phantom smoking gun.

As for scientists insisting it was conventional, but British say could have
been fitted with non conventional chem bio - well, so can cruise missiles
USA style. Don't I seem to remember also about interviews under duress and
legality? These people have been disappeared, perhaps are some of those in
Baghdad Airport shackled and hooded - or perhaps they have been offered some
of those million$ bribes floating around. In either of those situations,
were I Iraqi, Id be telling them anything they wanted to hear, I'd be doing
it anyway if I'd just been disappeared. Maybe it's true, but with thirteen
years of threats that Iraq has suffered, were I Iraqi, I'd be building one
in my back garden if I had the know how.

For the UK to trumpet about smoking guns and a missile that doesn't exist
which 'might' go 600 miles, when parked in Fastlane, Scotland, on Trident
submarines are nuke weapons which can wipe out life on earth, further bends
the remaning mind. No smoking gun, a damp squib. Lord they must be

Best, f.

Britain finds Iraq's 'smoking gun': a top-secret missile
By Con Coughlin in Baghdad
(Filed: 25/05/2003)

British military officers have uncovered an attempt by Saddam Hussein to
build a missile capable of hitting targets throughout the Middle East,
including Israel, The Telegraph can reveal.
Plans for the surface-to-surface missile were one of the regime's most
closely-guarded secrets and were unknown to United Nations weapons
inspectors. Its range of 600 miles would have been far greater than that of
the al-Samoud rocket - which already breached the 93-mile limit imposed by
the UN on any Iraqi missiles.

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