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[casi] Re: Dr's tell hoe childtrens deaths became propogandw

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Hi .

>From Yasser:

The addition of the removal of Saddam in our 'slogan' on the website was for
clarification that we believed the above could not even begin to be achieved
without Saddam Hussein's removal. The latest change was also for
clarification. We believe that a proportionally representative interim
authority is essential for Iraq's transition to a genuine, proportional

A minor problem: the overthrow of a sovereigm government, whatever its hue,
is illegal in international law, as a major conference by international law
experts will explain in London this coming week end. Therefore it seems, any
new authority is based on legal quicksand (but here we'll await the

On a petty note, if there were inaccuracies in the Guardian piece Yasser
offered with seeming passion,
why did he not note them on the article? But then, we are all in a hurry.

Nothing personal, just wondering.

Best, felicity a.

PS why is Yasser so anti an anti Saddam diplomat never in Saddam's
government service returning because he is old and been away a long time
(old people do think too as Yasser, a doctor should know and impart great
wisdom) whilst he states he has not been back for twenty years, and is
finishing final exams, so must have left as a child, a country he known not
from within since then. I ask, because when the amnesty was declared on
those who had fled the regime, and the ex-patriot annual conference began
(1994??) many Iraqis were nervous to return, but, in solidarity with the
people, did. The regime did keep it's word. Where was Yasser?

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