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Re: [casi] Invitation to Reconsider.

Dear Bert,

Thank you very much for your generous words. I most concerned that the people of
the US (or rather the media) will be able increasing to turn to CASI less to
understand the enormity of the US/UK role in the ongoing epidemic, but, to the
contrary, as a vehicle to justify the continued "inattention" to the urgent need
for chlorine NOW in S. Iraq and the rest of Iraq within a month merely to stave
off or contain epidemics. Alas, virtually all the faculty I've talked to in
Washington (granted a small, unrepresentative sample) profess to be supremely
indifferent and I now I feel that even CASI's listserv is taking on their

  I'm suppose that my first five years of  as a refugee/dp plays into this, but
perhaps in a constructive way which gives it a bit of meaning and gives me a bit
of empathy for kids and parents without control over their lives or deaths.

Thank you again for your kind words and good will.


Bert Gedin wrote:

> Dear Tom & List,
> Your Wednesday posting was disturbing. Not without a hint of sarcasm, you
> suggest "Let's stay respectable at any cost." And look after our "sacred
> cows" well. Alarmingly, you declare your readiness to quit (although,
> happily, you sent in another contribution today, Thursday).
> Not meaning this disrespectfully, Tom, but isn't this indicative of a "Stop
> the world, I want to get off!"-
> attitude?
> All of us are sometimes under great pressure, even at risk of cracking up,
> under the strain. We might need mini-holidays, away from computer-work. Why
> feel constantly inundated by unending e-mails? They can become your master,
> instead of vice versa.
> You don't need anyone else to tell you that your exchanges have been valued,
> partly because of well-expressed views, but also due to your undeniable,
> much acclaimed, expertise.
> Good luck with your non-violence activities. Others, on this List, would
> share such views. All of us, hopefully, would welcome peace & stability in
> Iraq, plus the world at large, it is preferable to cluster-
> bombs & Western WMDs. Even great teachers of non-violence, such as Gandhi,
> Dalai Llama, & MLK,
> acknowledged that they had to communicate with fellow beings, of this world,
> with diverse outlooks.
> Tom, even though some of us, at times, irritate you, please excercise your
> patience & tolerance.
> And do continue to favour us, occasionally, with your well-targeted
> insights, for CASI. Thank you.
> Greetings,
> Bert G., B'ham UK.
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