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Re: [casi] Re: Iraqis to get their act together?

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Asslamu Alaikum

Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 10:05 PM
Subject: [casi] Re: Iraqis to get their act together?

>Of course it's difficult and complex, but any more so than knuckling
>under to the US? Shall we say that the Arabs (who invented law) are not
>up to the task? That Mohammed's lessons about coming together in unity,
>tolerance for diversity, and defense of human rights were in vain? I
>would hope not!

Neither would any of us, although the road seems so long, even endless. Bob
it seems you grasped the simplisity and strength of what Mohammed 'peace
upon him' taught, let's hope many muslims also do the same so that they
could begin to have some control over their destinies.


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