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[casi] Bechtel slammed

JUNE 5, 2003
10:53 AM
 CONTACT:  Public Citizen 
New Report Exposes Contractor Bechtel as Threat to Iraqi Environment, Human
Rights and Basic Services;
U.S. Taxpayers Blindly Funding Post-War Corporate Profiteering and Cronyism,
Public Interest Groups Say
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - June 5 - Bechtel Group Inc., one of the lead contractors
in the reconstruction of Iraq, has a 100-year history of capitalizing on
environmentally unsustainable technologies and reaping immense profits at
the expense of societies and the environment, said a report released today
by Public Citizen, Global Exchange and CorpWatch. Its release was timed to
coincide with a day of direct actions around the country to protest
Bechtelıs presence in Iraq, the report concludes that the Bush
administration must be stopped from doling out contracts to undeserving
firms with which it has close ties, including Bechtel and Halliburton.
The report, Bechtel: Profiting from Destruction, provides case studies from
Bechtelıs history of operations in the water, nuclear, energy and public
works sectors. It documents a track record by Bechtel of environmental
destruction, disregard for human rights and financial mismanagement of
projects that has affected communities all over the world and does not bode
well for the people of Iraq.
"If environmental and consumer protection violations had been taken into
account, Bechtel would not have been awarded such an important contract in
Iraq," said Sara Grusky, senior organizer with Public Citizen. "The American
people are funding this contract through their tax dollars but are being
denied the right to see what their money is supporting."
On April 17, Bechtel was awarded $34.6 million of an 18-month Iraq
reconstruction contract worth up to $680 million, including the
rehabilitation, reconstruction and expansion covering all key elements of
Iraqıs infrastructure, including electrical grids, water and wastewater
systems. The contract was part of a limited bidding process that forbade
public review and was kept secret even from Congress.
"This contract is about profit-making, not humanitarian efforts," said Maria
Elena Martinez, executive director of CorpWatch. "The Iraqi people are in
desperate straits thanks to the U.S. government, and now a U.S. company
stands to make hundreds of millions of dollars. It exemplifies the typical
revolving door between big business and government - in this case, Bechtelıs
board members and our high-ranking government officials."
A historical look at Bechtelıs wrongdoings includes:
€ In Papua New Guinea, Bechtel partnered in constructing the worldıs largest
gold mine in 1970. The mine daily dumps hundreds of thousands of tons of
toxic waste from the mining operations directly into local rivers. In 2000,
a waste dump accident resulted in four deaths.
€ Environmental and human rights groups have charged that Bechtel, in a
partnership with Shell called InterGen, circumvented U.S. environmental laws
by building a power plant on the Mexican border for the sole purpose of
exporting energy to the United States. The La Rosita InterGen plant located
in Mexicali, Baja Calif., and partly owned by Bechtel, was the subject of a
May 6, 2003, court ruling that found that the U.S. Department of Energy and
Bureau of Land Management had acted illegally in granting permits to
InterGen to build this power plant.
€ In Cochabamba, Bolivia, in 1999, Aguas del Tunari, a subsidiary of
Bechtel, provoked protests that shut down the city when it privatized the
cityıs water system, then implemented massive price hikes that left many
people unable to afford water. The United Nations has formally declared
water to be a human right - Bechtel violated this international resolution
when it deprived people of their right to water. The outcry forced the
Bolivian government to cancel Bechtelıs contract; Bechtel is now suing the
country in a World Bank court for $25 million in lost profits.
€ At nuclear power plants in Palisades, Mich.; Humboldt Bay, Calif.; Three
Mile Island, Penn.; San Onofre, Calif., and Davis-Besse, Ohio, Bechtel was
involved in some of the U.S. commercial nuclear industryıs more notable
€ In Nevada, Bechtel was awarded the management contract for a proposed
nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, a site considered sacred by the
Western Shoshone people and part of a decades-long land dispute between the
United States government and the Native Americans. On these same lands,
Bechtel manages a Nevada test site and counterterrorism facility where
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons construction and testing are
carried out. The operation of the facility and its environmental and health
effects have prompted ongoing protests from Native Americans, environmental
and disarmament advocates.
€ In Boston, Bechtelıs mismanagement and cost overruns have been
unprecedented. Bechtel designed and manages the Boston Central Artery tunnel
project, also known as "the Big Dig." This federally funded project is the
most costly civil engineering undertaking in U.S. history; estimated at $2.5
billion in 1985, it reached $14.6 billion in 2003.
· In San Francisco in 2002, the Board of Supervisors phased out a contract
with Bechtel for the management of the upgrade of the cityıs water systems
before its completion date. Bechtel was charged with doing unnecessary and
overpriced work and charging the city for tens of thousands of dollarsı
worth of personal expenses.
The report also documents Bechtelıs history in Iraq, where the company was
pushing for an oil pipeline deal in the 1980s at the same time that Saddam
Hussein was committing his worst atrocities against the Iraqi people.
Bechtel was named by Husseinıs government as one of the U.S. companies that
provided it with materials that could be used to make weaponry.
"Bechtel has demonstrated brazen moral corruption by first contributing to
the development of Iraqıs weapons, then pushing for a war against Iraq, and
finally profiting from the tragedy and destruction wrought by that war,"
said Andrea Buffa, peace campaign coordinator at Global Exchange. "It is a
textbook example of what war profiteering looks like. This report answers
the question ­ ŒWhat's wrong with Bechtel?ı "
The reportıs recommendations include:
€ Implementing a democratic reconstruction in Iraq, led by the Iraqi people
with the help of international institutions like the United Nations.
€ Opening up and making transparent the bidding process for U.S. government
contracts in Iraq and elsewhere.
€ Companies bidding for U.S. government contracts should have satisfactory
records of integrity and business ethics.

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