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[casi] Re: Don't lift sanctions and SOS Iraq plans for the future

Dear All,

No, there are many of us who are not going away, concentrating on positive
moves forward, feel the despair Nermin expressed on behalf of an
unimaginable many and are shamed to be part of tis sickenig decade and a
half, culminating in what now appears to have been based on lie, after lie,
after lie.

Dirk's and his affiliates plans are heartening and excellent and hopefully
preventative medicine should the lunatics in charge of the asylum head for
Damascus, Tehran or heaven knows where in their mad, threatened rampage
across the globe. Though in the chaos of Baghdad and Iraq the fury,
frustration, anger and dismissal is absolutely understandable. But if we do
go away, a crime of historic proportions, which WILL be compared in hisotry
with the Barbarians and the Crusades (of this, I am certain) will be
endorsed by compliant silence. We become complicit.

But I have a further question. If the whole was, as many believed all along
based on a lie (and even the most compliant newspapers are now totally
miffed - as the security services - at being seemingly misled or used) what
is the legal position?

Iraq's Ministries are destroyed, no more, invalid. The country is destroyed,
the history, the past, present and hope for the future. The occupation
becomes even more illegal. Surely there is a case (in which Court, where
etc?) for the US and UK being forced to leave, pay vast compensation and let
Iraq award itself the contracts and rebuild as it has done before?

On a different note, the US are putting out that the museum artifacts found
allegedly in the flooded basement of the Central Bank, boxed and sealed, are
those looted from the Museum. In my opinion, this is rubbish. It has long
been no secret, that the items in the National Museum were but a fraction of
what Iraq had and that, like those in the finally opened Museum in 2000,
they were/had been hidden by the government in a safe place, in case of
bombing or looting.
This, I am pretty sure I am right, is a red herring to save the US from
their woeful  failure to protect sites (and the UK) about which they had
been warned, grid maps provided to them and so on.

Will the lies ever end? Lets keep on keeping on.

Best, felicity a.

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