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Re: [casi] Don't lift sanctions, and SOS Iraq's plans for the future.

Dear List Members,

It may interest Dirk and other List Members to learn Denis Halliday's
position on the post-invasion lifting of economic sanctions. In an interview
on the US radio programme Democracy Now!, broadcast on 21 April 2003
=15) Halliday said 'I know [the US] has a hidden agenda but I think we've
got to move forward [and] end the sanctions ... to see France, Russia and
China again playing games with the people of Iraq I think is disgusting.'
[At the time Russia and France were indicating that they wouldn't agree to
the lifting of sanctions.] In other words, as far as the lifting of economic
sanctions was concerned Halliday took the same position as CASI, Voices in
the Wilderness US and Voices in the Wilderness UK.

Finally, Dirk is surely aware that CASI has made no 'pro-war statements' and
I think it is disgraceful of him to make such baseless allegations.

Best wishes,

(writing in a personal capacity)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dirk Adriaensens" <>
To: "discussion list Discussion CASI" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 3:42 PM
Subject: [casi] Don't lift sanctions, and SOS Iraq's plans for the future.

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

Dear all,

In the discussion about lifting the sanctions or not, proceeding with CASI
or not, there seems to be a part that is missing.
- On may 9 Rahul Mahajan publishes an excellent article:" The Post-War Iraq
Paradox - Don't Lift the Sanctions Yet!"
- On may 10 I have posted an article by Sarah Flounders of the International
Action Center: "Behind Washington's demand to lift sanctions on Iraq"
There have been few replies to this articles by a.o. Bob Steel, athough this
discussion is very crucial to the anti-sanctions movement.
- On May 14 Andreas posts an article by Justin Raimundo, a fierce and
personal attack against the article of Rahul:  - THE ANTI-AMERICANS, Why the
left-turnabout on sanctions? Hypocrisy, thy name is Rahul Mahajan!"

Am I blind, have I missed something or did nobody write to this list to
defend Rahul, apart from Chris Williams and Bob Steel and of course Felicity
(whose postings are always very much worth reading) Yes, we could read Mr
Yasser's defend of Mr But this discussion should include the
different points of view of all the CASI-list members relating to the
lifting of sanctions.

CASI didn't wait for this discussion, didn't even organise such a
discussion, and announced on may 25 that it was happy that sanctions have
been lifted. In their dissappointing statement they wrote:
"CASI, the Campaign against Sanctions on Iraq, is a humanitarian NGO which
has been campaigning on humanitarian grounds for the lifting of sanctions
on Iraq since 1997."
"CASI has never supported or had ties to Saddam Hussein or the Ba'ath party,
and took no position for or against the invasion of Iraq."
"CASI takes no position on those portions of the new resolution which do not
relate to sanctions."
"CASI will disband in the near future and its funds will be donated to
charities working in Iraq."

Any of those 4 sentences could be the start of a discussion among the users
of the discussion-list, but CASI chose not to start this discussion.
CASI has grown thanks to the work of the members of this discussion-list,
and also with the help of a.o. Denis Halliday, a very courageous and honest
man. When I met Denis Halliday on january 23 in Baghdad, I asked him what
his message was for the world-community. He answered me: "Put the mad dog
Bush back into his cage, lock it and give me the key". That was a courageous
and very clear statement. No half-hearted and pro-war declarations like
"CASI (...) took no position for or against the invasion of Iraq". I see
that Hans von Sponeck signed the petition for the release of Iraqi illegally
detained prisones of war. Hans is a very courageous and honest man to stick
his neck out.

SOS Iraq, StopUSA International, Medical Aid For the Third World etc...
continue their work against the illegal invasion, occupation, war crimes and
robbery of oil-ressources. We have been very busy the last few weeks. That's
why I didn't post much to this list. We have been in Evian. Our doctors have
been throughout Europe to give interviews (f.i. Channel 4 last week, Spain,
Germany, Holland), we organised meetings etc..

Our plans for the near future are:

- write 2 books (1 about US -imperialism, with Michel Collon, Mohammed
Hassan a.o., and 1 diary about the mission of our doctors in Baghdad)

- Dr Geert Van Moorter came home with 16 hrs of film, so we want to use this
material to produce a documentary that can be used by other organisations
worldwide that want to lodge a complaint against the US/UK.

- the court-appeal against war crimes committed by the invasion-army. The
Belgian government wanted to send the complaint to the US, but we appealed.
In order to put pressure on our government, we need much more signatures,
also from well-known artists, intellectuals, scientists etc.. (many members
of the CASI-list signed already, but we invite you to send the complaint to
famous (and less-famous) people you know. It can be found at:
m or It is absolutely
necessary to find as many signatures for this petition, coming from famous
people as possible, because that's the only way we can put pressure on our
government in order to keep the courtcase in Belgium.

- Around the world, in many countries, action-groups are doing efforts to
start cases against the US/UK. At this moment we're in the process of
gathering all the information in order to bundle and join the efforts. The
court-cases can be grouped in 3 main issues:
a) against the concept of "global war" that Bush has announced
b) against the illegal invasion of Iraq by US/UK cohorts
c) against the war-crimes committed by US/UK armies.
In other countries, like Turkey, they want to organise peoples tribunals.
We have a lot of work to do in order to get in contact with everybody, like
the organisations who already wanted to cooperate, like CESR, the
International Action Center, and the Spanish, the Greek, the Turks, The

- We want to give conferences worldwide with the material we have and we're
still producing.

- We want to organise an International inquiry mission to Iraq by the end of
this year (details later for those who are interested) if the US let us
enter the country.

- There is the Russel-Tribunal in Brussels in october 2003 about the war in

- On the 20th of march 2004 we'll organise an international conference, that
should bundle the results of all the international efforts against this war.

- We're also planning a fundraising, because the war-crimes charge has
costed us already 40.000 euros so far.

- We have opened a forum on the war-crimes case (and other topics). On this
forum we also want to discuss the efforts to stop the occupation and Iraq in
I invite all CASI-listmembers to join this forum. It can be found at:

And this is a note for Nermin: I know that petitions alone can not undo the
catastrophe that has hit your country. But it is one of the many things that
can be done to try to stop US world-domination. We have no other choice than
exploring and trying all the different possibilities to help the Iraqi
people to be able to govern themselves and that they can be the benificiary
of their own ressources. We won't let you down. In case you don't believe
us: you may judge us by our efforts, and every idea or suggestion you can
give us are welcome. And petitions are useful because it can make people
aware of this colonial war. You see, here in the West, corporate media
report us that the war is over, and that Iraqi people are happy now. It is
only a small number of press-channels where you can find good information.

Any ideas or suggestions? We'd be very happy if you mail them to me or to
the list.
And we won't collapse under pressure. We are fighting the illegal embargo
ever since august 1990. We didn't collapse in 1990, 1991, 1998 or 2003.

Yours in struggle for peace.
Dirk Adriaensens.

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