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Re: [casi] Haven't the lies of USuk already been proven? YOur thoughts.

>"As we read, almost daily, of more information that seems to show the
> ridiculousness of the US/UK claims, it seems that the jury should have
been in long
> ago."
Many Americans Unaware WMD Have Not Been Found

06/09/03: (PIPA) A striking finding in the new Program on International
Policy Attitudes (PIPA) Knowledge Networks poll is that many Americans are
unaware that weapons of mass destruction have not been found in Iraq. While
59% of those polled correctly said the US has not found Iraqi weapons of
mass destruction, 41% said they believed that the US has found such weapons
(34%) or were unsure (7%).

Steven Kull, director of PIPA, comments: "For some Americans, their desire
to support the war may be leading them to screen out information that
weapons of mass destruction have not been found. Given the intensive news
coverage and high levels of public attention to the topic, this level of
misinformation suggests that some Americans may be avoiding having an
experience of cognitive dissonance." ......

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: [casi] Haven't the lies of USuk already been proven? YOur thoughts.

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