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Re: [casi] FOX NEWS, June 2 :Weapons of Mass Destruction

If interested, the lengthy Gregory Copley piece, notable only for its
extreme irony, is found here:

----- Original Message -----
From: "ppg" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [casi] FOX NEWS, June 2 :Weapons of Mass Destruction

> -----> "I am always suspicious of FOX news and the
> people they interview"
>                        Yes, as are we all.
> >> >Greg Copley, president of the International Strategic >Studies
> > Association,
> >
> > I don't know who this is. Perhaps I'll be able to get to library and
> > research, but there's no information in my files abuot the man or
> > organization.
>                         ISSA is a part of the vast GOP disinformation
> network.
>                         Go here:
>                         To get an idea of Gregory Copley's worldview:
>                         Go here:
> Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 4:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [casi] FOX NEWS, June 2 :Weapons of Mass Destruction
> >
> > On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 19:44:37 -0400 "ppg" <> writes:
> > >,2933,88337,00.html
> >
> > I am always suspicious of FOX news and the people they interview.
> >
> > [Bush:]
> > >when Colin Powell (search) stood up in front of the >world, and said
> > Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to >build biological weapons.
> > They're illegal.
> > >They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've >so far
> > discovered two.
> >
> > Apparantly not -- they are only asserted to be such, and much in doubt
> > experts.
> >
> > The vehicles shown in the photos in Powell's presentation were said by
> > Blix to be ordinary maintenance vehicles.
> >
> > >And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for >those who say we
> > haven't found the banned manufacturing >devices or banned weapons,
> > they're wrong. We found them.
> >
> > Nope -- he is lying.
> >
> > >Greg Copley, president of the International Strategic >Studies
> > Association,
> >
> > I don't know who this is. Perhaps I'll be able to get to library and
> > research, but there's no information in my files abuot the man or
> > organization.
> >
> > >there's still a lot of Iraq to search. However, in >August-September
> > last year, they moved huge amounts of >fissile material, chemical, and
> > biological material to a >Comishly, a town in Syria, just across the
> > border, from
> >
> > The US was conducting military operations in Iraq at that time, if I
> > remember right, leading to the question of why they weren't interfered
> > with. How was this known? Was UNMOVIC and the UN informed? Was nothing
> > said the Syrians?
> >
> > >Iraq, to the Hishishi compound there. So, they -- they >consistently
> > moved weapons, laboratories, documents, and >so on there for safekeeping
> > during the war.
> >
> >
> > But there was no war then. What would be the Saddam's motivation to give
> > awy such weapons -- especially if he suspected war was coming and he
> > would need them?
> >
> > >ago. The laboratories for the actual weapons and warheads >themselves
> > was being done in Iraq and moved out, let's >say, in August-September,
> > last year.
> >
> > Or let's say 10 years ago as numerous Iraqi scientists and military have
> > now said.
> >
> > Or we can say, yes -- all the weapons were moved out of Iraq before
> > UNMOVIC hit the ground -- so why then was it asserted so definitely that
> > WMD were in Iraq, were ready to fired within 45 minutes, were liable to
> > be given to terrorists, was a justification for war? If they weren't in
> > Iraq, then Saddam didn't control them, and Saddam was no longer a
> > They can't have it BOTH ways!
> >
> > >Right now, we know that a lot of it is still sitting >there, in -- in
> > Comishly. The Scuds and so on, which were >separately moved across the
> > border just before the war >started. They're still sitting there; and a
> > lot of
> >
> > Of course -- just the thing: Iraq is about to be attacked so naturally
> > they would get rid of all their weaponry. It is only surprising that
> > Saddam didn't also disband the army and send all the soldiers into Syria
> > also...
> >
> > >SNOW: Now, you knew about this before the war began?
> > >
> > >COPLEY: Correct.
> >
> > But Iraq was attacked anyway...
> >
> > But this is a different story that Woolsey gave, and certainly much
> > different than the Administartion stated with certainty.
> >
> > >SNOW: Then, why didn't the American public hear about it?
> > >
> > >COPLEY: I'm not sure why the American public didn't hear >about it.  We
> > told the U.S. intelligence services, and >they -- they're aware of it. I
> > believe that it's because >both the British Prime Minister and the White
> > House
> > >wanted to have a very, very clean, simple argument to >take to the
> > American population, and to the U.N. to say
> > >let us go into Iraq.
> >
> > What???!! You mean they L-- L-- .. LIED?? To the American public and the
> > UN??
> >
> > Hmmm... "WE" told the intelligence? Who is "we" that they know all these
> > things which intelligence was clueless about? Who is this "International
> > Strategic Studies Association" who has such capabilities beyond US
> > intelligence?
> >
> > >another matter, all together. We know that al Qaeda was >given chemical
> > weapons by the Saddam administration in >the past couple of years. So,
> > there's a chance that they
> > Oh yes? Again, who is "we", who apparantly has sound intelligence -- so
> > as to "know" -- which is apparantly not available to top government
> > officials such as Senate intelligence committees? Did Graham or Lang
> > hear of this?
> >
> > It's amazing how all these "experts" contradict each other, and how FOX
> > goes right along with it all. I wonder -- if the US *knows* for certain
> > that all the WMDs are in Syria, then why are they sending yet another
> > team (1,300 people, no less) to look for them in Iraq? Perhaps the light
> > is better there??
> >
> > I think there is a clear failure of the news media (especially American)
> > to let all these threads hang so loosely, neither doing adaquate
> > fact-checking nor even questioning inconsistencies -- quite aside from
> > what looks like deliberate bias and manipulation by agents like FOX.
> > media is the message"!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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