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Re: [casi] Another thing to keep an eye on...

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In a message dated 06/16/2003 6:38:17 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> There is an arrogance in the
> US/UK -- an attitude of "we know best" -- which is not only impractical
> in many areas but builds further resentment and artificial dependence

I believe that who makes the decisions is of paramount importance, regardless
of what the topic.  The Iraqi people are utterly capable of making their own
choices.  The cultural damage that has already been done to the people of Iraq
is enormous, by continuing to subordinate them in some infantile paternal
venture will only inflict more damage on their collective psyche.  Stepping off
and allowing the Iraqi people to govern and decide for themselves is the first
in a long series of necessary steps which will re-ignite pride and self
dependence.  These steps must be taken by the people of Iraq with the world as
equals, not as some foster parent whose only goal is the monthly government check.
I think Bob has hit on the true motives behind the un-elected governments
actions, as proven by history over and over, corporate profits.

The Iraqi people must be allowed to chart their own course, to be the pawn in
another's narrative is not to live but only to exist, or perhaps to die
slowly being robbed of human dignity.

Free Iraq!

Roger Stroope
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff USA

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