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[casi] Bechtel to destroy US WMDs

Just when we think US shamelessness cannot get worse, we read the following
mystifying item today:

Bechtel and Parsons win $2-BILLION contract to destroy U.S. chemical weapons

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Bechtel Corp. and Parsons Corp. have won a $2-billion
contract to destroy a stockpile of chemical weapons at a U.S. army depot in

During the next 10 years, the two California companies WILL BUILD, OPERATE,
AND ULTIMATELY SHUT DOWN a facility to neutralize rockets and artillery
shells filled with blister agents and nerve gas.

The contract, awarded by the Department of Defence last week, is the most
recent government job won by San Francisco-based BECHTEL. In April, the
privately owned company won a $680-million contract to oversee the
reconstruction of Iraq's infrastructure.

Among losing bidders on the Kentucky work was ONTARIO-BASED ELI Eco Logic
Inc., which has a patented process to render toxic materials harmless. Its
stock (TSX:ELI) has fallen 60 PER CENT this week after news it had lost the
contract, closing Tuesday at 33 cents, down from 84 cents Friday.

The American military has been slowly destroying its chemical weapons since
the United States and Soviet Union agreed to renounce the technology in the

The Blue Grass Army Depot, about 50 kilometres southeast of Lexington, Ky.,
is one of eight U.S. sites which stored chemical weapons, according to
Bechtel. The Kentucky storehouse is the last to be cleaned out.

Bechtel previously helped dispose of chemical weapons in Alabama, Colorado
and Maryland.

In the past, the army has incinerated chemical weapons, but that method
provoked protest among residents worried about breathing toxic fumes.

At the Blue Grass depot, the Bechtel-Parsons team will use a chemical
solution, applied under high pressure at high temperatures, to neutralize
the chemical agents.

ELI Eco Logic, meanwhile, has said it "will continue in our efforts to
introduce our technology for chemical weapons destruction to the U.S.
Department of Defence and Homeland Security customers and to other markets."

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