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Re: [casi] Purifying water in Iraq

> Please folks, I need help now! Iraqi  kids are dying horrible deaths
> and it's pretty obvious that this latest slaughter by ommisison  will
> lead to more deaths, eventually of your own kids and mine. 

I can't offer any help but I agree that this situation needs exposing

The Iraqi Government did what it could to help the people through the
war in terms of extra food rations (which must soon be running out)
but they knew that the people couldn't adequately stock up on water.
There was even a shortage of water containers - hence the looting of
drums holding nuclear stuff!

For my part, CASI needs to continue in order to help expose the
problems in Iraq caused by sanctions and also to try and hold the US
& UK gov responsible for this crime against humanity and get
reparations for the Iraqi people. Unfortunately much of the extensive
documentary proof has probably been lost, many of the managers have
been dismissed and high ranking government officials are being held

Mark Parkinson

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