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Re: [casi] Galloway vindicated by Christ. Sci. Monitor

Dear Roger,

   Just got into another  yet another fight with a faculty member
devoted to keeping  his head down and his wallet wide open-- at least
that's what I think of most folks here in D.C. in bad moments. So your
letter came at an especially welcome time. Thank you very much indeed!

   Frankly,  I'm delighted to consider you a friend. Please call me
whatever feels best. I consider you are co-voyager in long term effort
to do a bit to promote some decency.

    May I suggest that that after removing the personal references to me
(as kind as they are), you send the part about the really great people
under attack Ritter and Galloway to the CASI listserv which is I fear in
danger of turning into all to much a  mushy, empty intellectualism and
a   a forum for attacking the best and most principled lke G. & R.. 
(While, curiously doing some top-notch work -- go figure.)

  Don't know what the list you mention is, but if you figure that it
includes epidemiologists with some conscience, then please send in my

  Boy oh boy I know about grauate student $$$ poor, so may I suggest
instead of money a letter to the CASI listserv and a note of support
directly to Galloway. Even great folks, I think, can get discouraged.
thanks again,
tom wrote:

> Tom, I am sorry that I do not have the necessary contacts or expertise
> to help with the very important work you are attempting.  I add my
> plea to yours that one of our friends here will either help directly
> or put you with the proper contact.  Perhaps someone from the NASPIR
> list can help?
> As to J. Ritter, I agree with you, down the line.
> Mr. Galloway has my respect.  He has set his backside on the razors
> edge in order to defend the people of Iraq and the principles of
> democracy as well as his constituents.  As to support, I am a grad
> student and as such I bring the standard definition of poor along with
> me.  He does however have whatever support I can give with my heart
> and my head.
> It took some time Tom, but I can finally call you by your first name,
> as you have asked, rather than the stuffier Dr. Nagy.
> Peacefully yours,
> Roger Stroope
> Northern Arizona University
> Flagstaff USA

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