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Re: [casi] Contacts (REPLY)

hi all,
i suggest contacting: dr. thabit alfalahi, internest- primary doctor who got diploma and pnd in 
general medicine. he can help a lot. his account is:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: N A B A []
>Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 04:27 PM
>To: 'nermin'
>Subject: Fw: [casi] Contacts (REPLY)
>I suggest contacting:
>(1) In Iraq - Dr Anwar Barnouti, an Iraqi physician. I am including a
>letter from him which highlights the crisis in Iraq.
>(2) In the UK: Mr Muzahim Al-Jalili (Committee for University of Mosul
>Library <>.
>(3) Look at our website for any other information <>
>Best wishes
>Dr Ismail Jalili
>National Chairman
>A letter from Iraq (Dr Anwar Barnouti, MRCP, Baghdad)
>The medical services has been devastated by three wars during the last
>25 years plus 13 years of sanctions, and the negligence of the previous
>regime, the infrastructure including hospitals and medical clinics were
>damaged or destroyed, the medical services almost collapsed, the
>standards of medical schools deteriorated, the morale and scientific
>standard dropped, this dehumanization and insult was reflected on
>Patients, and patient care declined to near zero standards, many young
>doctors suffered from poverty and had to leave the medical profession
>and work in another job that pays money to live, many left the country.
>The young doctors suffered the most (house officers, senior house
>officers, registrars) they had no rights as human beings, as doctors, or
>citizens, their salary was about 2 dollars a month!! the conditions in
>the medical residence were appalling , the food was terrible , the air
>Conditions were not working, the working hours were exhausting, all this
>was reflected on the patients which were treated badly, and they victims
>number one. The policy of the previous regime destroyed the scientific,
>moral, ethical, humanitarian, side of the medical profession,
>Now after the regime has changed and the Security Council has approved
>lifting sanctions, we Iraqis are trying to rebuild our country. British
>Doctors were in Iraq and their contribution in establishing hospitals
>and medical colleges will never be forgotten,
>We need help
>We need help in all aspects, including medical journals, CD-ROMs,
>medical books, open internet access to the medical journals and
>libraries, refreshing training courses to update the senior doctors,
>jobs and possibly scholarships for junior doctors and post graduate
>studies, we will be honoured to invite lecturers to come to Baghdad, we
>also will look forward of having the part one of the MRCP FRCS MRCOG
>exam in Baghdad, as it was in the late seventies, when the security
>conditions are established  .
>In the future would it be possible to consider to look into the prospect
>of establishing a new medical school and hospital (may be private
>sector) like the one in Lebanon (AUB) or the gulf.
>We know that security must be established to start reconstruction of our
>medical social and economic infrastructure, and we hope that it will
>improve gradually in the future
>We are confident that you will participate actively and dynamically
>Anwar Barnouti MRCP (UK)
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "nermin" <>
>>To: <>; <>
>>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 1:33 PM
>>Subject: Re: [casi] Contacts
>>> hi tony
>>> plz send me more info myself and Ghazwan might be able to help them.
>>> regards
>>> nermin
>>> >-----Original Message-----
>>> >From: []
>>> >Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 08:05 AM
>>> >To:
>>> >Subject: [casi] Contacts
>>> >
>>> >Dear CASI members,
>>> >
>>> >Some NZ/Iraqis have asked me if I could help them to contact Iraqis
>>> >engaged in medical or other university teaching in Iraq. They want to be
>>> >able to go there, taking medical and other journals - as much as possible
>>> >expect on disk - and need to find people to deliver them to.
>>> >
>>> >I haven't spoken to them about visas and travel, but they are doctors and
>>> >lecturers and engineers, so although some of them have been out of Iraq
>>> >for some time, I guess they know more about that than I do.
>>> >
>>> >Can anyone on the list please help with contact addresses, conditions of
>>> >operating under the "Authority" or any other useful info.?
>>> >
>>> >Thanks,
>>> >
>>> >Tony Maturin.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >_______________________________________________
>>> >Sent via the discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
>>> >To unsubscribe, visit
>>> >To contact the list manager, email
>>> >All postings are archived on CASI's website:
>>> >
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Sent via the discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
>>> To unsubscribe, visit
>>> To contact the list manager, email
>>> All postings are archived on CASI's website:
>---- N A B A
>The National Association of British Arabs
>Tel/Fax:        ++44 (0)1780 765 655
>Address:        PO Box 77, Stamford PE9 2WQ, UK.
>NABA is an independent British organisation working for the interests of the
>Arab community within Britain.  It encourages a positive Arab contribution to
>British life and promotes integration without surrendering Arab identity.  It
>works to build bridges with the indigenous population and other ethnic groups
>and promote positive media awareness of Arabs, their heritage and culture and
>their views.  In addition it seeks to initiate better collective communications
>with local and central government and NGOs to address the difficulties faced by
>Arabs within Britain in respect of unemployment, racial discrimination, etc.
>Membership is open to all individuals and organisations
>interested in Arab culture and affairs.

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