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[casi] Washington Post-ABC News Poll: Iraq

Washington Post-ABC News Poll: Iraq

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

The latest Washington Post-ABC News poll is based on telephone interviews
with 1,024 randomly selected adults nationwide, and was conducted June
18-22, 2003. The margin of sampling error for overall results is plus or
minus 3 percentage points. Sampling error is only one of many potential
sources of error in this or any other public opinion poll. Interviewing was
conducted by TNS Intersearch of Horsham, Pa.

*= less than 0.5 percent

1. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his
job as president? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or somewhat?

             ---------Approve---------   --------Disapprove-------    No
             NET   Strongly   Somewhat   NET   Strongly   Somewhat   opin.
6/22/03      68       45         23      29       18         11        4
4/30/03      71       50         22      26        9         17        3
4/16/03      74       52         22      23       14          9        3
4/9/03       77       58         19      20       14          6        4
4/3/03       71       54         16      25       19          7        4
3/23/03      68       NA         NA      27       NA         NA        4
3/20/03      67       NA         NA      28       NA         NA        5
3/2/03       62       38         23      35       22         13        4
2/23/03      60       NA         NA      34       NA         NA        6
2/9/03       64       42         21      34       20         14        3
2/1/03       62       41         21      34       22         13        4
1/28/03      62       43         19      36       23         13        2
1/27/03      59       39         21      37       22         15        4
1/20/03      59       36         23      38       22         16        2
12/15/02     66       37         28      32       20         12        2
11/4/02  LV  67       45         23      31       20         12        1
11/3/02  LV  67       45         22      32       20         12        1
11/2/02  LV  67       47         20      32       23          9        1
10/27/02 All 67       39         28      29       16         13        4
10/27/02 LV  68       47         21      30       16         14        3
9/26/02      67       42         25      30       18         12        3
9/8/02       71       42         28      27       15         12        3
7/28/02      69       39         31      28       14         14        3
7/15/02      72       42         31      25       13         12        2
6/17/02      74       42         32      22       13          9        4
6/9/02       77       41         36      20       11          9        3
5/19/02      76       48         28      22       13          8        3
4/21/02      78       47         31      20       10          9        2
3/28/02      79       49         30      18       10          8        3
3/10/02      82       52         30      16        7          9        2
1/27/02      83       56         27      14        7          7        3
12/19/01     86       64         22      12        6          6        2
11/27/01     89       69         21       9        5          4        1
11/6/01      89       65         24       9        4          5        2
10/9/01      92       76         16       6        3          3        1
9/27/01      90       70         20       6        3          3        4
9/13/01      86       63         23      12        6          5        2
9/9/01       55       26         29      41       22         20        3
8/12/01      61       28         33      31       17         14        8
7/30/01      59       28         30      38       22         17        3
6/3/01       55       27         28      40       22         18        6
4/22/01      63       33         30      32       16         16        5
3/25/01      58       NA         NA      33       NA         NA        8
2/25/01      55       NA         NA      23       NA         NA       22

2. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling the situation in

             Approve     Disapprove     No opinion
6/22/03        67           30              3
4/30/03        75           22              2

Compare to: The situation with Iraq and Saddam Hussein

3/27/03           69            26              5
3/23/03           71            26              3
3/20/03           65            29              5
3/17/03           64            29              7
3/9/03            55            38              8
2/23/03           55            39              6
2/9/03            61            37              2
2/5/03            61            32              7
2/1/03            61            35              3
1/28/03           58            38              4
1/27/03           57            40              3
1/20/03           50            46              4
12/15/02          58            37              5
11/4/02  LV       56            40              4
11/3/02  LV       57            40              4
11/2/02  LV       56            41              3
10/27/02          57            38              5
9/26/02           58            39              3
9/14/02           65            31              4
8/29/02           52            36             12

3. All in all, considering the costs to the United States versus the
benefits to the United States, do you think the war with Iraq was worth
fighting, or not?

             Worth       Not worth       No
            fighting     fighting      opinion
6/22/03        64           33            3
4/30/03        70           27            4
2/2/92*        66           32            2
7/28/91        67           30            3
6/2/91         70           26            3
3/4/91         86           13            1
*2/2/92 and previous: "the Persian Gulf war"
**3/4/91: "this war"

4. Again thinking about the goals versus the costs of the war, so far in
your opinion has there been an acceptable or unacceptable number of U.S.
military casualties in Iraq?

            Acceptable     Unacceptable     No opinion
6/22/03         51              44               5
4/9/03          66              28               6
4/3/03          62              32               5
3/27/03         58              34               9

5. How do you feel about the possibility that the United States will get
bogged down in a long and costly peacekeeping mission in Iraq - would you
say you're very concerned about that, somewhat concerned, not too concerned
or not concerned at all?

            -----Concerned------     ------Not concerned-----      No
            NET    Very    Smwt.     NET    Not too    At all     opin.
6/22/03     72      32      41       26       16         10         1
4/30/03     72      34      39       27       19          9         *
4/16/03     73      31      42       26       19          7         1
4/9/03      62      24      39       35       24         11         3

6. Do you think the United States can justify this war ONLY if it finds
weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical or biological weapons, in
Iraq; or do you think the United States can justify this war for other
reasons, even if it does NOT find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

            Justify only     Justify even      Neither/No         No
            if find WMD        if no WMD      justification     opinion
6/22/03          23               63               11              3
4/3/03           22               69                6              3
3/20/03          35               53                7              6

7. Based on what you know or have heard, do you believe that the United
States did or did not use chemical or biological weapons against Iraqi
troops during the war earlier this year?

                Yes, US did use    No, US did not use    Not sure
                      6                  84                 10

8. Based on what you know or have heard, do you believe that Iraq did or did
not use chemical or biological weapons against U.S. troops during the war
earlier this year?

                Yes, Iraq did use    No, Iraq did not use    Not sure
                        24                  62                  14

10. Thinking about another country in the region: Would you support or
oppose the United States taking military action against Iran to prevent it
from developing nuclear weapons?

                  Support     Oppose     No opinion
                    56          38            6

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