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Re: [casi] Deadly waste returned to US forces

Wonderful - now to do it with DU shells. Find
everything radioactive and chuck it at the US bases.
After all - it's totally harmless according to the
Americans so why would they get upset?

Alun Harford

--- AS-ILAS <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The whopper:
> "The occupying forces have so far REFUSED TO
> ALLOWthe UN nuclear experts,
> the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to
> carry out proper
> documentation and decontamination in Iraq. The US
> authorities in Baghdad
> consistently deny there is a risk to the local
> population. "
> "Our team has only been surveying for eight days and
> has discovered
> frightening levels of radioactive contamination. The
> IAEA must be allowed to
> return with a full mandate to monitor and
> decontaminate. They may believe
> they have accounted for most of the uranium, but
> what about the rest of the
> radioactive material? If the inspectors are allowed
> to come out from the
> shadow of the occupying forces and into the
> community, they can do the job
> properly. "
> Best
> Andreas
> ---------------
> Greenpeace International
> 24 Jun 2003
> Deadly waste returned to US forces
> IRAQ/Baghdad - They claimed they were after weapons
> of mass destruction, but
> then allowed nuclear material to be carried off by
> the barrel. They said
> errant nuclear waste poses no health threat to the
> people in Iraq, but then
> denied access to experts.
> Today we delivered a dose of reality to the
> occupying forces: villages
> surrounding the Tuwaitha nuclear complex, just south
> of Baghdad, are
> contaminated with deadly radiation. Clean up must
> begin now.
> A convoy of vehicles bearing Greenpeace banners that
> read "Al Tuwaitha -
> nuclear disaster - Act now!" with a single activist
> walking at its head,
> carrying a white flag, returned a large uranium
> "yellow cake" mixing
> canister to the US military guards stationed at the
> heart of the nuclear
> plant. The canister - the size of a small car -
> contained significant
> quantities of radioactive "yellowcake" and had been
> dumped on a busy section
> of open ground near the Tuwaitha plant. Despite the
> military being aware of
> its presence, locals say it has been left open and
> unattended for more than
> 20 days.
> "If this had happened in the UK, the US or any other
> country, the villages
> around Tuwaitha would be swarming with radiation
> experts and decontamination
> teams. It would have been branded a nuclear disaster
> site and the people
> given immediate medical check-ups. The people of
> Iraq deserve no less from
> the international community. That they are being
> ignored is a scandal that
> must be rectified without delay," said Mike Townsley
> of Greenpeace
> International.
> Our radiation experts have found abandoned uranium
> "yellowcake" and
> radioactive sources scattered across the community.
> Much of the material was
> looted from the facility by villagers who used it
> for house building and
> water and food storage. They did not realise the
> potential danger. In a week
> long survey, as well as the "yellow cake" canister,
> Greenpeace uncovered:
> ==>  radioactivity in a series of houses, including
> one source measuring
> 10,000 times above normal
> ==>  another source outside a 900 pupil primary
> school measuring 3,000 times
> above normal
> ==>  locals who are still storing radioactive
> barrels and lids in their
> houses
> ==>  another smaller radioactive source abandoned in
> a nearby field
> ==>  consistent and repeated stories of unusual
> sickness after coming into
> contact with material from the Tuwaitha plant
> several objects carrying
> radioactive symbols discarded in the community
> The preliminary survey and this morning's action in
> front of heavily armed
> US troops highlights the total failure of the
> occupying forces to address
> the urgent need for a full assessment, containment
> and clean up of missing
> nuclear material from the Tuwaitha Nuclear facility.
> The occupying forces have so far refused to allow
> the UN nuclear experts,
> the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to
> carry out proper
> documentation and decontamination in Iraq. The US
> authorities in Baghdad
> have insisted upon retaining responsibility for
> protecting human health but
> consistently deny there is a risk to the local
> population.
> Our team has only been surveying for eight days and
> has discovered
> frightening levels of radioactive contamination. The
> IAEA must be allowed to
> return with a full mandate to monitor and
> decontaminate. They may believe
> they have accounted for most of the uranium, but
> what about the rest of the
> radioactive material? If the inspectors are allowed
> to come out from the
> shadow of the occupying forces and into the
> community, they can do the job
> properly.
> Latest update:
> The team went further inside the Tuwaitha nuclear
> facility with the US army
> to deliver the radioactive canister. They then
> accompanied the army to the
> house in the village where we found radiation up to
> 10,000 times normal
> levels.
> The US army surveyed the area and confirmed the
> levels. They removed the
> radioactive source and took it back to the Tuwaitha
> plant. The head of the
> radiation unit for the US army there said that the
> WHO and the IAEA should
> get there as soon as possible.
> At the same time, the IAEA tells us that their
> inspectors are due to leave
> today as their limited remit - to make an inventory
> of the uranium at
> Tuwaitha - is done.
> _______________________________________________
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> Sanctions on Iraq.
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