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[casi] Reparations scandal: episode 2

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The UN compensation commission (UNCC) spokesman Joe Sills said that it
expected to take $600m from Iraq this year. This is over twice the
amount requested in the UN's new appeal for $259m to meet a shortfall in
humanitarian funding this year.

This fiasco is reminiscent of the 8th of April: US troops were taking
control of Baghdad, Kofi Annan had a fresh mandate for control of the
Oil-for-Food fund, the UN was launching a flash appeal for humanitarian
aid... and $870m was paid from Oil-for-Food to the UNCC and thence to
Kuwait, Britain, France, America etc. The Iraqi people would be
perfectly able to look after themselves if they were not forced to
continue paying Saddam's reparations and debts, for which they are not

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