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Re: [casi] Many thanks-- what we need to stop the epidemic

Dear Mr. Hopperger,

   Thanks for supplying humor and realism.  I did forget to say, that you will,
of course, get a totally meaningless form letter. One idiot game I
occassionally  indulge in is to reply to the form letter to get another form
letter. Could a historian on  the list tell me the equivalent method of "cooling
the mark" used   in the middle ages by the gods and goddesses of that era?


P.s. As a practical matter if you want the ear of the gods, be prepared to pay
(discretely) many, many dollars (euros?) for the privlidge. Not to bribe of
course, this is America not some corrupt rotten foreign land. No the official 
word here in Washington is that $$$ get one access but certainly no favorable
treatment... of course when you compare paying for  a night in the Four Seasons
vs. the Lincoln
Bedroom of the Whitehouse-- sorry the devil and 20 years toiling in the whore
house of capitalism [appologies to real sex worker] made me say that.


John-Peter Hopperger wrote:

> Bert Gedin,
> Dear Friends:
> I want to hear from you!
> Although postal mail delivery to the U.S. Capitol offices has
> resumed, the delivery process is still very slow.  It is very
> important to me to hear from my constituents and I hope
> that you will not hesitate to share your thoughts and
> concerns with me.
> Contact me by mail, fax, phone or electronically.
> I look forward to hearing from you!
> Sincerely,
> Dennis J. Kucinich
> Member of Congress
> Dennis J. Kucinich
> 1730 Longworth
> Washington, DC 20515
> Phone (202)225-5871
> Fax (202)225-5745
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> Sent via the discussion list of the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
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