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Re: [casi] [House intel committee member:] ...Misleading us Into War

Three articles today on US use of chemical/bioweapons.

1. US admits to 50 secret tests of bio weapons on troops
    02 Jul 2003

The Pentagon used potentially dangerous chemical and biological agents in 50
secret tests involving US military personnel in a decade-long project to
measure the weapons' combat capabilities, according to Pentagon findings.

The inquiry began three years ago after several Navy veterans reported
health problems they believed might have been caused by their involvement in
the tests. Research into the classified project found more tests had been
conducted and many more veterans had been present, expanding the scope of
the investigation.

The tests were done between 1962 and 1973 and involved 5,842 service
members. Many were not told of the tests, some of which involved releases of
deadly nerve agents in Alaska and Hawaii.

The information released today disclosed eight new tests that primarily used
non-lethal bacteria and in some cases caustic chemicals. It revealed for the
first time experiments to find ways to use submarines to distribute
biological weapons.

"Project 112" and "Project SHAD" were developed in 1961 to study the combat
uses of biological and chemical weapons and methods to protect American
troops from such attacks. Initially it was believed that only simulated
agents were used, but last year the Defence Department admitted for the
first time that some of the tests used real chemical or biological weapons.

Most of the tests made public today used the benign bacterium bacillus
globigii to simulate how biological weapons agents would spread through the
hold of a ship.....



2.  Rumsfeld urged to continue probe of biotests on troops
    Jul. 2, 2003

WASHINGTON - Several House members are asking Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld to keep alive the Pentagon's investigation into 50 chemical and
biological weapons tests in the 1960s that involved 5,842 military

The Defense Department released the final findings of an investigation into
Project 112 and Project SHAD, which were conducted from 1962 to 1973 to test
the combat capabilities of biological and chemical agents and ways to
protect U.S. troops from such attacks.

Monday's report raised the number of U.S. troops identified as having been
present for one or more of the tests to 5,842, many of whom were not
informed of their participation.

Some included releases of deadly biological and chemical agents, but troops
were protected in those cases, said Michael Kilpatrick, deputy director of
the Defense Department's Deployment Health Support Directorate.


3.  American NGOs back Europe's chemical policy

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Over sixty US pressure groups as well as 10,000
individuals have backed controversial EU proposals to make companies
responsible for proving the safety of the chemicals they produce or use.

In a joint declaration of independence sent to the European Commission and
to the US President George W Bush, signatories urged the US to follow
"Europe's lead" and bring US policy on chemicals "into the 21st century".

At the beginning of May the Commission unveiled a radical reworking of the
Union's chemicals policy proposing the introduction of an integrated system
of registration, evaluation, and authorisation with companies, rather than
public agencies, having to prove the safety of chemicals used, produced or

Only 3% of chemicals produced in the EU each year are well known according
to the Environment Commissioner, Margot Wallström.

Washington has backed US exporters in their vehement opposition to the
so-called REACH proposal. Firms such as Exxon Mobil, Bayer and Basf claim
that registration and testing programmes would cost US companies 400 US
dollars. [?]

US environmental groups, Trade Unions and health NGOs have applauded the
Commission's proposal as one that supports "healthier families, safer jobs,
and cleaner communities".

The Commissions eight week period of public consultation comes to an end on
10 July when it will begin to finalise its proposal.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>;
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:32 PM
Subject: [casi] [House intel committee member:] ...Misleading us Into War

> --------- Begin forwarded message ----------
> From: "The Nation Magazine" <>
> [...]
> Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 08:25:54 -0700
> [...]
> Representative Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on the House
> intelligence committee, says that based on information preliminarily
> reviewed by her committee, it appears that George W. Bush misled the
> nation into war.
> For more, see David Corn's Capital Games:
> [Note: this address likely has characters from the html stuff my reader
> doesn't handle -- usually the "=nn" things. Bob]
> [...]
> --------- End forwarded message ----------
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