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RE: [casi] Archive of Peter Brooke's weekly news collections

Great service, Peter Brooke and Fay Dowker.  Thank you.  Suzy

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of F.Dowker
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 1:54 PM
Subject: [casi] Archive of Peter Brooke's weekly news collections

Dear Listmembers,

I have, with Peter's help and permission, made a website with
lists of the weekly headlines and linked them to the articles
posted on the CASI archive. The archive is complete to May 2002 so
far and will eventually cover all the mailings to May 2003. Some
headline lists seem to have no corresponding mailing on the
CASI archive. I hope to fix this. At the moment the page is at
If it becomes necessary to relocate it for any reason, it will
always be in a folder called Iraqarchive and so a Google search for
that and "Peter Brooke" should always be able to find it.

I hope that it will be useful. Personally I've found it quite
heartbreaking to revisit some of the events of the past couple
of years.

Best wishes,

+  Fay Dowker                       Physics Department               +
+                                   Queen Mary, University of London +
+  E-mail:       Mile End Road,                  +
+  Phone:  +44-(0)20-7882-5047      London E1 4NS.                   +
+  Fax:    +44-(0)20-8981-9465                                       +
+  Homepage:          +

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