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Re: [casi] " last story from Baghdad"

> With a little luck and a lot of work this affair will
> eventually result in new and stronger safeguards, and a
> new respect for and insistence upon international law
> and human rights.

Actually, I was trying to do some work by pointing
out the Judge Merritt's incongruities - "uncovering
the monster" lurking in the open.

As to the eventually resulting "safeguards":
Multinational cartels aren't usually respecters
of international law and human rights. These are
the guys pushing for the New World Order. (Bush
the Elder apparently borrowed that phrase from Hitler.)

>> So someone had better tell Judge Merritt, the

> I suspect he knows, and that it's part of the irony
> he speaks of. Perhaps he will speak out when he
> returns home?

Yes, I too suspect that he knew that he was
shamming. But that wasn't really my point.
Here is the quote again that bothered me.

Judge Merritt:
     "That is what the Iraqis admire about us and
     wish to have for themselves. They are thankful
     that we have liberated them from the tyrant so
     that they may now have prosperity through freedom
     of contract and free speech."

Your take may differ. Perhaps you can think about
it from a different perspective - pretend you are
an Iraqi.

Did you know?

The US occupation has left Iraq's workforce jobless.
That's some 10 million Iraqis - repeat 10 million
Iraqis. They now all depend on UN handouts because
USUK also cancelled OFF.

> The articles you you post are old news -- sadly
> only somewhat obsolete -- but neither are these
> things unknown or unprotested in the US. That they
> were even published at the time is a good sign.

Not so old: 2001/2002 - I have older ones. And
anything but obsolete, from what I hear. Besides,
this is history.

A quote from Mark Twain, the wise:

     "It is by the goodness of God that we have
     in our country three unspeakably precious
     things: freedom of speech, freedom of
     conscience, and the prudence never to
     practise either."
     [Quoted in The Perpetual Pessimist]


P.S. And yes, it was a good sign that they
were written.

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