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Re: [casi] US holding Turkish troops?

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In a message dated 05/07/03 15:11:57 GMT Daylight Time,

> [casi] US holding Turkish troops?
> Date:05/07/03 15:11:57 GMT Daylight Time
> From:<A HREF=""></A>
> Reply-to:<A HREF=""></A>
> To:<A HREF=""></A>
> Sent from the Internet
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> Dear list,
> My husband just told me that a news-radio prog claimed the US is detaining
> Turkish troops in N. Iraq. Does anyone know anything about this? I am
> looking
> for info online and not come up with anything as of yet.
> Thanks
> Anai

There is a report on BBC Ceefax-not much. 11 Turkish soldiers arrested by US
and Turkish protest.


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