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[casi] for your amusement since BBC will never print it

Dear Colleagues,

    My own university has just taken away my "privlidge" of using the
School or Deparmental listserv, since I'm a pacifist, I guess I have to
"use my words" as we instruct little kids here. To keep my sense of
proportion amid this insanity, I'm replying to dear old BBC.  I'm
sending it to you, because of my complete confidence that BBC will never
run any replies like mine.

I sent these replies to the BBC's  "Have Your Say"?  Who on earth writes
these questions anyway :-)   ?   Oh well at least you have BBC while we
have Fox and its fancier but hardly much more accurate reprinters of
government press releases, with minor changes like naughty school
children who want to escape plagiarism charges, the Washington Post,

Question 1 deal with Hunting Hussein, father and sons. After that is a
droll question asking if we believe in the dossier.

For your amusement, since you surely won't see it in BBC: Qu 1
As the US/UK daily violate the Geneva
Convention by provoke counter violence to their violence in failing to
provide even infants with safe water, it is a grim piece of theatre to
distract the public with the primitive, atavistic order:  "bring me the
heads of the Husseins!"

  At the very least it make one wonder who has more contempt for law and
decency:  Blair, Bush, or the Husseins?
Qu 2: Do you believe the dossier?

Wonderful British dry irony? Who but insane bootlickers of Blair and
Bush can still have any belief in evil tooth fairy dossier?

  Blair and Bush are so contemptuous of their subjects that they did not
even bother to build and plant evidence then print treasure maps for
their super elite forces to "find".

  Why, even as the "liberated" children of Iraq die for lack of safe
water, does BBC feel the need to ask silly questions?

 Just hope the Gov. (US or UK) does not "accidentally" shut you down or
better yet bomb you like it did your news counterparts in the former FRY
or Iraq.

  Let me propose an alternative question, at what point will a batch of
tomahawk missiles "accidentally" take down BBC?  Will the US wait till
July 7th? Will it give BBC another chance to recant before the key turns
on the ship launched missiles or will it honor you with a visit from the
stealth bomber corps?

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