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Re: [casi] Reply Bert Gedin

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In a message dated 7/9/2003 3:37:57 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> We have to remember that "fear is the mind-killer" and is one of the
> weapons used by fascists, with the hope it will discourage people. Wasn't
> there some fellow who said "The only thing we have to fear is fear
> itself"? Catchy phrase -- I wonder if anyone has heard of him? <G>

yes of course it was fdr's inaugural that spoke of fear...yet ironically it
was fdr who signed the infamous executive order 9066 that resulted in
internment of 120,000 japanese ,2/3 of whom were us citizens...out of fear. yet, the
us, until boy george, has tried in fact to live within the great dissenting
opinion of justice jackson in the case of fred koramatsu's challenge to 9066
before the supreme court. the court of course upheld 9066. fred koramatsu would be
awarded the medal of freedom by clinton some fifty years later. justice
jackson would prosecute the nazi thugs at nuremberg. 9066 has not been rescinded,
and boy george has revisited the same territory with his executive order
establishing tribunals...again out of fear." with us or agin' us", a frightening
affront to to freedom from fear, is practiced well. while i feel to protest and
opine, many of my friends will not use electonic communications except for
pleasantries (i kept wondering why i get back from them only the most benign
responses to my often angry and prodding inquiries). i recognize their fears. i
share them but i am perhaps  too stupid to submit to them..
tom nagy is exceptional, courageous, and admirable in what he so visibly
bert's point is precsient, and i appreciate his throwing it for discussion.
my regards

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