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[casi] 212 U.S. troops have died in Iraq

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

WASHINGTON (July 10) - Pleading for patience, President Bush said the United
States will ''have to remain tough'' in Iraq despite attacks on U.S. soldiers
that killed at least two more Americans on Thursday.

Bush spoke in Gaborone, Botswana, amid a debate at home about erroneous
evidence that the administration cited as part of its justification for the
invasion of Iraq. A group of arms control experts accused the administration of
misrepresenting intelligence information to justify the war.

Daryl G. Kimball, executive director of the private Arms Control Association,
was one of several experts challenging the administration.

''We, along with an increasing number of others, believe that the
administration made its case for going to war by misrepresenting intelligence findings as
well as citing discredited intelligence information,'' Kimball said Wednesday.

And on Capitol Hill, Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., the senior Democrat on the
House Armed Services Committee, said he had a fear ''we may find ourselves in the
throes of guerrilla warfare for years.''

''We cannot leave Iraq,'' Skelton said at a committee hearing with retired
Gen. Tommy Franks, the U.S. commander in the war. ''This must be a success.''

Another committee member, Rep. Ellen Tauscher, D-Calif., said CIA Director
George Tenet should be called to testify in public.

She said the committee owed it to the U.S. troops in Iraq ''to evaluate
whether the intelligence used to send them into harm's way ... was sound.''

Bush, responding to concern about the rising casualty toll, said, ''There's
no question we have a security issue in Iraq, and we've just got to deal with
it person to person. We're going to have to remain tough.''

More than 70 American soldiers have died since Bush declared major combat
over May 1. ''It's going take more than 90 to 100 days for people to recognize
the great joys of freedom and the responsibilities that come with freedom,'' he
said. ''It's very important for us to stay the course, and we will stay the

Franks testified, meanwhile, that besides the 19 countries with forces in
Iraq, another 19 were preparing to send troops and 11 were discussing it.

Wednesday, at a news conference in South Africa, Bush said he was
''absolutely confident'' about going to war despite the discovery that allegations Saddam
Hussein had sought uranium in Africa for a nuclear weapons program was based
on fabricated information.

When the war began in March, Iraq posed no threat to the United States or to
its neighbors, a former senior State Department intelligence official said

Its missiles could not reach Israel, Saudi Arabia or Iran, said Greg
Thielmann, who held a high post in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.

But Thielmann, one of four critics at a session held by the private Arms
Control Association, said the Bush administration had formed a ''faith-based''
policy on Iraq and took the approach that ''we know the answers; give us the
intelligence to support those answers.''

Thielmann said the administration had distorted intelligence to fit its
policy purposes. He said Iraq had no active nuclear weapons program and that while
Tenet told Congress Iraq had Scud missiles, the intelligence finding actually
was that the missiles could not be accounted for.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said the administration decided to use
military force because the information about the threat of Saddam's regime was
seen with a different perspective after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11,

''The coalition did not act in Iraq because we had discovered dramatic new
evidence of Iraq's pursuit of weapons of mass murder,'' Rumsfeld told the Senate
Armed Services Committee. ''We acted because we saw the existing evidence in
a new light through the prism of our experience on Sept. 11.''

Under questioning from Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., Rumsfeld said he did not
know how much the administration would propose to pay for operations in Iraq and
Afghanistan for the new budget year that begins Oct. 1.

He said under the $62.4 billion midyear spending bill, the United States
expects to spend an average $3.9 billion a month on Iraq from January through
September this year. An average of $700 million a month is being spent in

The Pentagon said Wednesday 1,044 American servicemen and women have been
wounded in action or injured since the war in Iraq began March 20. Of that total,
382 have been wounded or injured since Bush declared major combat over,
according to the Pentagon's figures. Of the 212 U.S. troops who have died in Iraq
since the war began, 74 died after May 1, not including Thursday's toll.

The Army's 3rd Infantry Division is beginning a phased pullout of its 16,000
troops, with the entire unit expected back in the United States by September,
Rumsfeld told the committee. The division, which played a central role in
capturing Baghdad in April, is based at Fort Stewart, Ga.

Rumsfeld said there are now 148,000 American troops in Iraq.

AP-NY-07-10-03 1202EDT

Copyright 2003 The Associated Press.

Roger Stroope
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff USA

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